Showing posts with label activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activities. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Donate to Marawi via These 12 Groups

  1. Phililippine Red Cross (PRC)
    1. Donations in Cash
      • Account Name: PHILIPPINE RED CROSS
      • Type of Account: SAVINGS
        • BANCO DE ORO
          • Branch: Port Area, Manila
          • Peso: 00453-0018647
          • Dollar: 10-453-0039482
          • Swift Code: BNOR PH MM
          • Branch: Port Area, Manila
          • Peso: 3752-8350-0034
          • Dollar: 3752-8350-0034
          • Swift Code: PNB MPH MM
        • METROBANK
          • Branch: Port Area, Manila
          • Peso: 151-3-04163122-8
          • Dollar: 151-2-15100218-2
          • Swift Code: MBTC PH MM
          • Branch: Port Area, Manila
          • Peso: 4991-0036-52
          • Dollar: 4994-0103-15
          • Swift Code: BOPI PH MM
        • UNIONBANK
          • Branch: Taguig
          • Peso: 1015-400-002-01
          • Dollar: 1315-400-000-90
          • Swift Code: UB MPH MM
    2. Donations in kind
      • National Headquarters located at 37 EDSA cor. Boni Ave., Mandaluyong City.
  2. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
    1. Donations for families of soldiers who have died in battle
      • Landbank Account Name: AFP Marawi Casualty
        • Account Number 00000552107128
    2. Donations for evacuees from Marawi City
      • Landbank Account Name: Marawi IDP 
        • Account Number: 00000552107136.
  3. Teach Peace Build Peace Movement Inc. (TPBPM)
    1. Account Name: Teach Peace Build Peace Movement Inc.
      • Bank: BDO
      • Account Number: 000040837270
      • Branch: SM Makati
  4. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
    1. DSWD Dollar Saving Account for Foreign Donation 
      • Account Name: DSWD FOREIGN DONATION
      • Account Number: 3124-0055-81 
      • Swift Code: TLBPPHMMXXX 
      • Bank Address: Land Bank of the Philippines, Batasan Branch, Constitution Hills, Quezon City 
    2. Peso Current Account
      • Account Name: DSWD DONATION 
      • Account Number: 3122-1011-84 
      • Bank Address: Land Bank of the Philippines, Batasan Branch, Constitution Hills, Quezon City
  5. Tulong Kabataan
    1. College Editors Guild of the Philippines
      • Philippine Postal Savings Bank 
      • Account Number 0001-003036-211.
  6. Kaya Natin! Movement for Good Governance and Ethical Leadership
    1. For cash donations
      • BPI
      • Account Number: 3081 1163 84
  7. Student Council Alliance of the Philippines
    1. Send email to SCAP at
    2. Contact Persons: 
      • Francis (09322284155) 
      • Isaac (09083151257).
  8. Ateneo de Naga University
    1. AdNU-SSG Office, 2nd Floor of Xavier Hall. 
    2. Contact Persons:
      • Bianca Melanie Medenilla Montero - 0977 200 2536 
      • Adnu-Ssg Kasurog - 0927 517 3369
  9. Chevening Alumni Foundation of the Philippines
      • Account Number : 3351-01126-6 
      • Bank: Philippine National Bank (PNB) 
      • Branch: Makati C. Palanca Branch
  10. Save The Children
    1. Visit savemarawichildren page or this direct link:
  11. Caritas Philippines
    1. Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands 
      • Branch: Intramuros, Manila 
      • Account Number: 4951-0071-08
  12. World Vision Development Foundation (WVDF)
    1. Account Name: World Vision Development Foundation, Inc.
      • Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI): 4251-0024-15
      • Banco de Oro (BDO): 000-2700-4341-1
      • Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank): 038-332-000-138
      • Metrobank: 0607060-518641

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

12 Happenings On My Birthday

As I end my day, I pondered on the things that happened today, 30 August, which is my birthday. One special anxious moment was this morning. I had a nightmare at around 07:11 AM since I am on night shift schedule, I had to sleep in the morning. Thank God, my Love was there to wake me up.

I thank the Lord for all the small and big blessings I have received and ask forgiveness for all the wrongdoings I have done.
  1. I bought two games from GTribe which has a promo that was extended and long enough for me to buy with 2 hours left on the clock. The original price of the game was ‎US$39.99 for the Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth PC game and DiRT Rally was originally priced at US$59.99. I bought the two games at a promo price of $38.75 making me a UX member at GTribe with an exclusive badge at my profile plus an option to launch my own Fan Page at GTribe while helping game developers.  
  2. I donated a few savings at UNICEF of which I am a  regular donor. 
  3. I bought 2 pieces of Coin Collector's Collecting Album Holder which was on a Lazada promo price of Php 508.00 which is 40% of the original price of Php847.00. This is a good price already since it amounts to two coin albums already. 
  4. I also bought a TECO Coffee Maker at Lazada worth Php743.92 with an original price of Php 1,500.00, a sure savings of 50%. 
  5. I bought a Gold Medal Ear Mite and Tick Control (4 oz) at Lazada, for Ikkyo and Recca, our Siberian Huskies, to help get rid of their itchiness in their ears, most especially with Ikkyo's case. 
  6. I also donated a few pesos to the Save The Children organization, for Marawi children who are in need of our assistance because of the effects of the war against Maute group involved in terrorism. 
  7. I joined two teams at Chess dot com, namely Team International and The Bear Cubs. 
  8. I also joined the 40th tournament at the Chess dot com so that I will be able to exercise my mind again. 
  9. I bought Sampaguita garlands worth 50 pesos when we went to church. The Sampaguita garlands today are high compared to when I was young which was worth 10 pesos back then. I used the garlands as offering for my two patron saints. 

  10. I got a Silver Engineer badge in my Ingress gameplay. I got it when I reached the required 1,500 mods deployed for upgrading portals. 
  12. My family had dinner at home together with my two sister-in-laws and it was a delicious and mouth-watering experience. 

Monday, August 7, 2017

12 ways to sneak exercise into your daily routine

  1. Exercise when you open your eyes
  2. Multi-task your morning routine
  3. Pimp your commute
  4. Sprint the stairs
  5. Workout at your desk
  6. Switch the boardroom for a walkabout
  7. Spend some time on a Swiss ball
  8. Try baskets over trolleys
  9. Flex while you queue
  10. Cook and carve core
  11. Hone and tone as you blitz housework
  12. Discover sofacise

Saturday, August 5, 2017

12 Ways To Use WD-40 Around The Home

  1. The most common use for WD-40 is to use it to stop hinges from being squeaky. 
  2. Remove crayon from the walls.
  3. Sticker residue is the worst. 
  4. If you have glass shower doors, you must know the struggle of keeping them free of water spots.
  5. Remove stuck rings. 
  6. Remove stubborn coffee and tea stains from your countertops
  7. A pair of scissors that jam or are hard to operate can totally ruin your projects or crafts.
  8. Prevent snow buildup on windows.
  9. Easily clean off chewing gum from your shoes. 
  10. Waterproof your shoes
  11. Clean your toilet 
  12. Remove scuff marks

Sunday, July 16, 2017

12 Hotels You Need To Add To Your Bucket List

  1. Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Zaandam Zaandam, North Holland Province
  2. Crane Hotel Faralda Amsterdam Amsterdam, North Holland Province 
  3. Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort Huzhou, Zhejiang 
  4. Hotel Jested Liberec, Liberec Region, Bohemia 
  5. 9 Hours Capsule Hotel Kyoto Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Kinki 
  6. Sun Cruise Resort Donghae, Gangwon-do 
  7. Spitbank Fort Portsmouth, Hampshire, England 
  8. Free Spirit Spheres Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia 
  9. The Aurora Express Fairbanks, Alaska 
  10. Wigwam Motel Holbrook, Arizona 
  11. La Balade des Gnomes Durbuy, Luxembourg Province, The Ardennes, Wallonia 
  12. Hotel Costa Verde Manuel Antonio, Province of Puntarenas

Friday, July 14, 2017

How I Removed Mcafee Security Center in Windows 10

Uninstallation of McAfee Security Center from my Windows 10 as of 12 July 2017 which I do not need anymore since I already have another licensed anti-virus.

  1. Click Settings button.
  2. Select Apps.
  3. Scroll down until you see McAfee Security Center.
  4. Click McAfee Security Center and click Uninstall button. 
  5. This app and its related info will be uninstalled will appear.
  6. After clicking Uninstall button, an error will occur. 
  7. Download the MCPR tool.
  8. Double-click MCPR.exe.
  9. McAfee Software Removal window will appear.
  10. Click Next and click Agree on the End User License Agreement.
  11. A security validation requiring input of characters is needed. 
  12. Wait until uninstallation process is finished. 


How to remove McAfee products from a PC running Windows

Thursday, May 4, 2017

World Password Day 2017

  1. The Registrar of National Day Calendar has designated the first Thursday of May of each year as World Password Day.
  2. World Password Day is a celebration to promote better password habits. Passwords are critical gatekeepers to our digital identities, allowing us to access online shopping, dating, banking, social media, private work and life communications. 
  3. Security researcher Mark Burnett first encouraged people to have a “password day,” where they update important passwords in his 2005 book Perfect Passwords.  Inspired by his idea, Intel Security took the initiative to declare the first Thursday in May World Password Day in May 2013.  Submitted by Big Monocle in 2016, Password Day is meant to create awareness of the need for good password security. 
  4. Strong passwords, according to the World Password Day website, have at least eight characters, with a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letter, numbers, and symbols. They also avoid the use of personal information, such as birthdays or middle names.
  5. Using a different password for each online account is important because, if you share passwords across accounts, one compromised password can be used to log into another account. This is especially important regarding online banking and financial accounts.
  6. Password managers, like LastPass or 1Password for example, can help you store multiple passwords, often in an encrypted manner, for easy access. Typically, they will require one master password with additional layer of authentication to access the stored passwords.
  7. Multi-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security on top of your standard password. For example, an app may require you answer a security question, input a unique code, or use a fingerprint scanner on top of using your password. Check the security settings of your favorite apps and passwords to see if multi-factor authentication is available.
  8. Identity theft is one of the world’s fastest growing crimes, but adding strong authentication to your password can prevent it. Whether you’re protecting your bank account, your email, or your social media, put the brakes on ID theft by layering up!
  9. Layering up your login means to enable a free feature called multi-factor authentication (also known as two-factor authentication) in the settings of your favorite email, bank, or social media apps and websites.
  10. This will add one extra step to your login process (scanning a fingerprint on your phone, or typing a PIN that’s sent to your phone) but gives you powerful protection against cybercrimes like identity theft and social media account hijacking.
  11. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an additional layer of protection beyond your password. It significantly decreases the risk of a hacker accessing your online accounts by combining your password (something you know) with a second factor, like your mobile phone (something you have).
  12. A group of dedicated supporters keep an up to date list of all websites that offer MFA at

Monday, April 17, 2017

World Hemophilia Day 2017

  1. World Hemophilia Day was started by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) in 1989 to increase global awareness of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. 
  2. April 17th was selected in honor of the birthday of Frank Schnabel, founder of WFH.
  3. The WFH was established by Frank SchnabeLloyd in 1963 and has its headquarters in Montreal, Canada. It has member organizations in 113 countries and official recognition from the World Health Organization. 
  4. The aim of World Hemophilia Day is to raise awareness about hemophilia and increase the availability of treatments for this condition around the world.
  5. Hemophilia A results in impaired clotting mechanisms due to missing or reduced levels of factor VIII. People with hemophilia A experience recurrent and extended bleeding episodes that cause pain and irreversible joint damage. 
  6. Advate, Kogenate and Kovaltry - are approved for prophylactic use in patients with hemophilia A.
  7. Hemophilia B is a genetic disorder caused by missing or defective factor IX. Although it is passed down from parents to children, about 1/3 of cases are caused by a spontaneous mutation, a change in a gene. 
  8. Idelvion and Ixinity are approved for prophylactic use in patients with hemophilia B.
  9. Hemophilia is a condition in which bleeding is prolonged. Hemophilia is a condition present from birth and is normally inherited; you can't 'catch' hemophilia or pass it onto others. In some rare instances, hemophilia may develop later in life (typically affecting people in the 50+ age group).
  10. The slogan for World Hemophilia Day is 'Close The Gap', which reflects the difference in treatments available to people living in different parts of the world. By working together, it is hoped that we can close the gap of hemophilia care around the world. 'Close The Gap', is an apt phrase; when blood clots, a 'gap' is closed which stops bleeding.
  11. The World Federation of Hemophilia provide resources for those wishing to get involved in this campaign. Resources include posters, information on why people should participate in World Hemophilia Day, a logo, press release templates and suggested activities.
  12. Hear Their Voices is the theme for 2017, and the focus is on supporting women around the world affected by bleeding disorders.


Friday, April 14, 2017

12 Things About Black Day

  1. Black Day is an unofficial holiday observed on April 14 each year which is mostly observed in South Korea by singles.
  2. The day is associated with Valentine's Day and White Day as a holiday on the 14th day of the month. On this day, people who did not receive gifts on the previous two days gather and eat Jajangmyeon, noodles with black sauce.
  3. Black Day builds on the romantic aspect of Valentine's Day and White Day wherein chocolates received on Valentine's Day are interpreted to symbolize a man's popularity and the chocolates given on White Day are used solely for romantic purposes, Black Day focuses on the people, especially singles, who did not receive any gifts on either of the holidays.
  4. On the day, singles who have not received presents on both days gather wearing black to 'commiserate' over black-colored food, especially jajangmyeon.
  5. This day is targeted by businesses, who hold various events and advertise their products, a strategy known as 'day marketing.' The events are highly popular, and includes matchmaking events such as speed dating, jajangmyeon-eating contests, and discounts on items.
  6. Jjajang translates to black bean paste sauce; myeon, noodle. The thick, wheat noodles, similar to pasta, are typically served in a separate bowl from the sauce made with onions meat and/or seafood like shrimp or sea cucumber. The contents are then mixed together at the diner’s discretion. The sauce often leaves a black tint on the teeth—the perfect accessory to an all-black ensemble.
  7. Jajangmyeon or jjajangmyeon is a Korean Chinese noodle dish topped with a thick sauce made of chunjang (black bean sauce), diced pork and vegetables, and sometimes also seafood.
  8. In 1905, the first jajangmyeon was made in Gonghwachun, a restaurant in Incheon Chinatown that was run by a Chinese immigrant from the Shandong Province of China. The restaurant is now the Jjajangmyeon Museum. 
  9. Although the name of jajangmyeon is cognate with the Chinese dish called zhájiàngmiàn, Korean jajangmyeon differs from Chinese zhájiàngmiàn in many ways. Yong Chen, an associate history professor at the UCI, says "Though this dish began as the Northern Chinese noodle-and-ground pork dish zhájiàngmiàn, it is thoroughly Korean."
  10. On Black Day, jjajangmyeon eating contests are held, black coffee consumption rises, and matchmaking service usage increases exponentially.
  11. Black Day is just one of the 12 Korean holidays devoted to love  celebrated on the 14th of the month.
  12. Jajangmyeon recipe

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Panagbenga 12 Interesting Facts

  1. The pronunciation is "Panagbanga" despite having the presence of the letter “e”.
  2. It began as an idea of a lawyer, Damaso E. Bangaoet, Jr., John Hay Poro Point Development Corporation (JPDC) Managing Director for Camp John Hay, who presented to the Board of Directors of JPDC the idea of spearheading the holding of a flower festival in Baguio City. The Board, then led by the Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) Chairman Victor A. Lim and JPDC President Rogelio L. Singson, approved the project immediately. It was also decided that the Festival be held every February when Atty. Bangaoet explained that the weather in February is perfect giving folks a reason to visit Baguio City between Christmas season and Holy Week holidays.
  3. In October 1995, the Baguio Flower Festival acquired an official logo chosen from entries to the Annual Camp John Hay Art Contest with a theme revolving around preserving the environment with a special emphasis on the flowers of the Cordillera. Instead of a complete painting, the distinguished board of judges led by the well-known artist BenCab chose a spray of sunflowers on the corner of the entry submitted by Trisha Tabangin, a student of the Baguio City National High School.
  4. The Festival Hymn composed by Professor Macario Fronda of Saint Louis University was added rhythm and movements of the Bendian Dance, an Ibaloi dance of celebration.The Bendian dance’s circular movements speak of unity and harmony among the members of the tribe – themes that foreshadowed the coming together the various sectors of the community to bring the Flower Festival to life.
  5. First Lady Amelita M. Ramos graciously opened the First Baguio Flower Festival, with the theme of “The Birth of a Tradition.”
  6. The Second Baguio Flower Festival in the year 1996 began with the Festival acquiring a local name: Panagbenga, a Kankanaey (also spelled as Kankana-ey) term meaning “a season for blossoming, a time for flowering”, a name suggested by Ike Picpican, an archivist and curator of the Saint Louis University Museum.
  7. Baguio Flower Festival Foundation (BFFF) was organised to manage the festival.
  8. Panagbenga started for a period of 10 days before, then extended to two weeks, then three, then held for the whole month of February, then finally stretched to five weeks, taking full advantage of the presence of the alumni of the Philippine Military Academy during PMA Week, which is also timed during Valentine's Day.
  9. The Parade and Street Dancing Competition is usually scheduled on the Fourth Saturday of February starting from Session Road up to Melvin Jones Grounds.
  10. The Session Road in Bloom event is usually scheduled starting on the Fourth Monday of February until First Sunday of March.
  11. Grand Float Parade is usually held on the Fourth Sunday of February starting Session Road up to Melvin Jones Grounds.
  12. The theme for 2017 is “Inspired by Beauty, Nurtured by Nature.”


Monday, May 9, 2016

Philippines' Party List Marginalized Sectors

Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - The State shall promote proportional representation in the election of representatives to the House of Representatives through a party-list system of registered national, regional and sectoral parties or organizations or coalitions thereof, which will enable Filipino citizens belonging to the marginalized and underrepresented sectors, organizations and parties, and who lack well-defined political constituencies but who could contribute to the formulation and enactment of appropriate legislation that will benefit the nation as a whole, to become members of the House of Representatives. Towards this end, the State shall develop and guarantee a full, free and open party system in order to attain the broadest possible representation of party, sectoral or group interests in the House of Representatives by enhancing their chances to compete for and win seats in the legislature, and shall provide the simplest scheme possible.
Today is the 2016 National Elections Day which will determine the 16th President of the Republic of the Philippines. It is also included in this election the voting of party-list group which will represent the so-called marginalized sectors underrepresented in the political system of the Congress. These sectors are indicated in Section 5 of the Republic Act 7941. We pray that the best party-list will win the required number of votes and sufficiently represent the advocacies of the sector they are affiliated with.

  1. labor
  2. peasant
  3. fisherfolk
  4. urban poor
  5. indigenous cultural communities
  6. elderly
  7. handicapped
  8. women
  9. youth
  10. veterans
  11. overseas workers
  12. professionals


Republic Act No. 7941 Posted: 07 October 2015
8 things you need to know about the party list
In a quandary over which party-list group to elect?
Party-list representation in the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Philippine presidential election, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to get married (legally) in Baguio City

It was our wedding day last 15 February 2016 and it is beneficial to those planning to get married in Baguio City in a civil way to read these tips when the couple opted for a civil wedding.

For both, get the following documents:
1.       CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage)
There are 2 methods
a.       SM business centre
                                                               i.      Go to SM City Baguio, 2flr
                                                             ii.      Fill up the form for application of CENOMAR, write legibly
The following are the data needed:
·         Number of copies you are requesting
·         Name (maiden name if married female)
·         Sex
·         Place of birth
·         Date of birth
·         Mother’s maiden name
·         Father’s name
·         Purpose of your request
                                                            iii.      Clerk will double check data entries and will confirm verbally specially when there are unclear entries
                                                           iv.      Pay Php195.00 plus a service charge of Php20.00
                                                             v.      Claim CENOMAR after 4 working days
b.      NSO
                                                               i.      Proceed to  the NSO office located at Lower Bonifacio St
                                                             ii.      Get a number and application form from the Information desk/guard
                                                            iii.      Fill up the entries and proceed to the screener’s desk once your number is called
                                                           iv.      Pay the fee of Php 195.00
                                                             v.      Claim CENOMAR after 4 working days

2.       Proof of Age (NSO Birth Certificate or Baptismal certificate)
a.       Birth Certificate
                                                               i.      The 2 methods for acquiring for CENOMAR applies for getting a birth certificate
                                                             ii.      Fee is Php 140.00
                                                            iii.      Document is released within 2 hours or on the next working day. Other cases require a certain amount of days to claim the document
b.      Baptismal Certificate

3.       Community Tax Certificate (CEDULA)
You and your partner must apply for a cedula
a.       Proceed to the one-stop shop of the Baguio City Hall
b.      A small piece of paper is provided for you to write the data needed
c.       Fall in line and wait your turn (waiting time depends on the volume of applicants)
d.      Valid ID is required. Recent payslip or previous cedula may be presented for easier computation of tax to be paid.
e.       Pay the amount, affix signature and thumb mark

4.       Barangay Certification
To get married in Baguio, one of the requirements is to prove that one of the couple is a resident of Baguio
a.       Proceed to your Barangay hall and request for Barangay Certification
b.      Some barangays require a cedula while other just needs a valid ID
c.       Fees for certification may also vary in different Barangays. (Php 50.00)
d.      Form is released after 15 minutes.

5.       Pre-Marriage Counselling or Seminar on Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood
a.       Proceed to the Health Services Office at T. Alonzo St.
b.      Proceed to the cashier and pay a fee of Php 20.00 as seminar fee.
c.       Schedule of seminar is as follows:
                                                               i.      Tuesdays: 1:00 – 4:00 PM
                                                             ii.      Thursdays: 8:00 – 11:00 AM

6.       Attend the Pre-Marriage Counselling or Seminar on Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood
a.       Proceed to the PMC/ Population Office, 3rd floor of the Health Services Office at T. Alonzo St.
b.      Prepare payment receipt and CENOMAR
c.       Each couple goes through a short interview to assess their family planning knowledge
d.      The couple proceeds to attend a 3-4 hour seminar. Speakers are from the civil registry office, health department, and other private organizations. 
e.      Certificate of Attendance is given at the end of the seminar.

7.       Submit requirements at the CIVIL REGISTRY Office
a.       Photocopy all requirements
b.      Proceed to CIVIL REGISTRY Office just beside Health Services Office at T. Alonzo St.
c.       Ask the information officer for a number and sign the log book
d.      Present all requirements to the Civil registry employee
e.      Once all requirements are validated, a form is provided to be filled up (3 copies)
f.        Submit the form to officer
8.       Pay MARRIAGE LICENSE fee
a.       Ask the information officer for a number
b.      Proceed to the 2nd floor of the Civil Registry Office and pay a fee of  Php 142.00
c.       Keep the receipt, as this serves as your claim stub
d.      Marriage License is released after 10 calendar days

9.       Schedule a wedding date
The following process does not really let you choose a date for your wedding. There are 2 options:
a.       City Mayor as presiding officer
                                                               i.      Proceed to the Mayor’s office located at the Baguio City Hall and inquire on the schedule. The Mayor’s office only schedules one date for marriages per month and accommodates only 15 couples.
                                                             ii.      Pay a solemnization fee of Php500.00 at the one-stop
                                                            iii.      Submit the original copy of the marriage license, names of sponsors or witnesses and the solemnization fee receipt.

b.      Judge assigned by Regional Trial Court
                                                              i.      Proceed to the RTC office located at the Justice hall just near Baguio City Hall
                                                            ii.      Provide the following requirements:
·         Marriage license
·         NSO Birth certificate
·         CENOMAR
·         Barangay clearance
·         CEDULA
                                                          iii.      Pay a solemnization fee of Php 800.00 at the one-stop shop
                                                           iv.      Wait for your schedule to be announced. Schedules and presiding judge will be raffled every Thursday.
                                                             v.      Visit the RTC Thursday afternoon or Friday to inquire on the date assigned for you and your partner

10.   Attend the ceremony
a.       Be on-time or even 30 minutes earlier.
b.      Check the marriage certificate, ensure that the names and dates are correct
c.       Have fun and enjoy the ceremony!

11.   Submit _ City Hall personnel will be submitting the signed marriage certificates to the Civil Registry Office
12.   Wait for 6 months for the official NSO marriage certificate 

REITERATION, in simple words:
for both parties:
  1. get a CENOMAR
  2. get a BARANGAY CERTIFICATION which can be applied by either one but one should be residing here in Baguio City
  4. get a cedula for you and your partner
  5. pay 20 pesos for the required, mandatory and compulsory "pre-marriage counselling" conducted at the Baguio City Health Services Office
  6. attend the seminar which is held every Tuesday 1-4 or Thursday 9-12
  9. proceed to the CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE and submit all the requirements AND fill up all forms in three copies
  10. pay marriage license fee and after 10 calendar days, the marriage licence will be ready
  11. proceed to City Hall and inquire for the schedule of the City Mayor. AND PAY FOR THE SOLEMNIZATION FEE OF 500 PESOS if there is no more available schedule, then
  12. proceed to JUSTICE HALL and inquire for the schedule of the RTC AND PAY FOR THE SOLEMNIZATION FEE OF 800 PESOS