As I end my day, I pondered on the things that happened today, 30 August, which is my birthday. One special anxious moment was this morning. I had a nightmare at around 07:11 AM since I am on night shift schedule, I had to sleep in the morning. Thank God, my Love was there to wake me up.
I thank the Lord for all the small and big blessings I have received and ask forgiveness for all the wrongdoings I have done.
- I bought two games from GTribe which has a promo that was extended and long enough for me to buy with 2 hours left on the clock. The original price of the game was US$39.99 for the Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth PC game and DiRT Rally was originally priced at US$59.99. I bought the two games at a promo price of $38.75 making me a UX member at GTribe with an exclusive badge at my profile plus an option to launch my own Fan Page at GTribe while helping game developers.
I donated a few savings at
UNICEF of which I am a regular donor.
I bought 2 pieces of Coin Collector's Collecting Album Holder which was on a Lazada promo price of Php 508.00 which is 40% of the original price of Php847.00. This is a good price already since it amounts to two coin albums already.
I also bought a TECO Coffee Maker at Lazada worth Php743.92 with an original price of Php 1,500.00, a sure savings of 50%.
I bought a Gold Medal Ear Mite and Tick Control (4 oz) at Lazada, for Ikkyo and Recca, our Siberian Huskies, to help get rid of their itchiness in their ears, most especially with Ikkyo's case.
I also donated a few pesos to the S
ave The Children organization, for Marawi children who are in need of our assistance because of the effects of the war against Maute group involved in terrorism.
I joined two teams at
Chess dot com, namely Team International and The Bear Cubs.
I also joined the 40th tournament at the
Chess dot com so that I will be able to exercise my mind again.
I bought Sampaguita garlands worth 50 pesos when we went to church. The Sampaguita garlands today are high compared to when I was young which was worth 10 pesos back then. I used the garlands as offering for my two patron saints.
I got a Silver Engineer badge in my Ingress gameplay. I got it when I reached the required 1,500 mods deployed for upgrading portals.
My family had dinner at home together with my two sister-in-laws and it was a delicious and mouth-watering experience.