Showing posts with label facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facts. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2020

12 Natural Gargles For Sore Throat

As an official comeback from a very long hiatus on this blog, posts will now be every 12th of the month.

For this official return, here are the 12 natural gargles for soothing your sore throat which is relevant during this COVID-10 worldwide pandemic.

  1. Salt and water - mix 1⁄4 teaspoon salt in 1 cup warm water.  Note: mix a fresh batch of gargle for every use. Better to waste a bit pouring it out than to leave it in your glass, where it might become contaminated with bacteria. Also, do not swallow the gargle; spit it out!
  2. Hot sauce and water - add five shakes of ground cayenne pepper (or a few shakes of hot sauce) to a cup of hot water for sore throat relief. The capsaicin in chillies helps soothes pain and fights inflammation. Note: Don’t try this if you have open sores in your mouth. 
  3. Ginger, honey and lemon - mix 1 teaspoon each of powdered ginger and honey, 1⁄2 cup of hot water, and the juice of 1⁄2 squeezed lemon. Pour the water over the ginger, then add the lemon juice and honey, and gargle. Honey coats the throat and also has mild antibacterial properties. 
  4. Sage and apple cider vinegar - Sage has been used as a throat-soother for centuries. One recipe to try during cold and flu season: grind 2 tablespoons each dried sage and thyme into a mason jar with 2 cups apple cider vinegar. Leave covered at room temperature for two weeks, then strain out the herbs. When you’re ready to gargle, mix a couple of tablespoons of the sage mixture into a small glass of warm water. Another herb with cold-busting properties is thyme.
  5. Turmeric and water - This yellow spice is a powerful antioxidant, and the traditional system of medicine called Ayurveda, rooted in Hinduism, has used turmeric to fight pain and inflammation for centuries. To try it yourself, add 1/2 teaspoon of the ground spice to a cup of warm water and use up to three times a day.
  6. Clove tea - Add 1 to 3 teaspoons of powdered or ground cloves to warm water, then mix and gargle. Cloves have soothing properties, explains acupuncturist, Elizabeth Trattner. Plus, they also have antimicrobial properties that can help stop the growth of bacteria, according to research in Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal. The spicy mixture can also be used as a mouthwash to help tooth pain, she says.
  7. Spicy tomato juice - For temporary relief of sore throat symptoms, try this tasty gargle: 1/2 cup each of tomato juice and hot water, plus about 10 drops of chilli sauce. Bonus: capsaicin from chillies boosts circulation.
  8. Goldenseal, echinacea, or myrrh and water - Gargling with these herbal anti-inflammatories can soothe swollen and sore throat tissue, says Trattner. Try several drops of herbal tinctures in a small amount of warm water.
  9. Apple cider vinegar and salt - Anecdotal evidence suggests that apple cider vinegar can help a sore throat, and research does show that it has antibacterial properties. Gargle with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water; use several times a day if needed. For a gentler treatment, combine 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon every four hours.
  10. Licorice root powder and water - Licorice root may soothe a sore throat and help eliminate cough-inducing phlegm; a 2013 study of more than 200 people found that surgical patients who had gargled with a licorice solution prior to anaesthesia were less likely to develop a sore throat post-surgery.
  11. Green tea - This one is actually a sore-throat prevention measure, since one health benefit of tea is the ability to fight infections. Next time you brew a cup of green tea, make a little extra and gargle with it. A 2016 review of research found that gargling with tea may have a preventative effect against the flu virus.
  12. Raspberry tea - This is an old home remedy for a sore throat because of the anti-inflammatory properties. One recipe calls for pouring one cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves or packaged raspberry tea. Steep for ten minutes, then strain and let cool a bit. Gargle while warm.

Sore throat remedies: 12 natural gargles that may ease the pain
ETH Podcast #COVID–19: Try gargling!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

12 Atari Historical Highlights

  1. Atari Incorporated was born on 27 June 1972.
  2. Atari hired Allan Alcorn as their first engineer who designed Pong which was a test game, at first.
  3. Pong was Atari's first shipped product which began on 30 November 1972 at a price of $1095.
  4. The first in-house graphic designer of Atari was George Opperman who designed the Atari logo which was known as "Fuji" for its resemblance to the Japanese mountain, although the design's origins are unrelated to it.
  5. Atari created its own competitor, Kee Games, in 1973 to break deals with exclusive distributors and released its first game title Tank. 
  6. It was in January 1980 that Space Invaders which was the first licensed title for the 2600 game console was released.
  7. It was in July1981 that Atari Centipede became the first coin-op to be Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Approved.
  8. The game Yars' Revenge was released on Atari 2600 in May 1982 which was named by the programming by reversing the first name of Ray Kassar who was the CEO of Atari that time.
  9. It was in July 1982 that "Atari Adventure Center" became the first arcade amusement center of Atari at California's Marriot Great America theme park.
  10. "The Graduate" which was also known as "My First Computer" was announced on February 1983 which was an enhancement to the Atari 2600 game console that turned it into a basic computer system by adding a computer keyboard on top of the console.
  11. The first home version of Galaga and Xevious was included in the 12 launching titles of Atari when it introduced their Atari 7800 Prosystem gaming console on 21 May 1984 giving the company its much-needed gaming console industry boost.
  12. Atari launched on April 1985, their first update to the Atari 65XE which is an 8-bit computer.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

12 Ginger Benefits

  1. Ginger is a natural remedy for nausea.
  2. Ginger is a means to fight fungal infections.
  3. Ginger is a natural pain reliever for stomach ulcers.
  4. Ginger is a natural menstrual pain reliever similar to mefenamic acid and ibuprofen medicines.
  5. Ginger is a powerful anti-cancer solution that may be able to block cancer cell growth including prostate cancer, pancreatic, and ovarian cancer.
  6. Ginger is a natural blood sugar regulator.
  7. Ginger is a very powerful joint and muscle pain reliever.
  8. Ginger is a reducer of bad LDL cholesterol and helps in raising beneficial HDL cholesterol to our body.
  9. Ginger is a brain aging protector.
  10. Ginger is a bacterial infection fighter
  11. Ginger is a healthy immune and chronic inflammation fighter including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.
  12. Ginger is a promoter of proper digestion with the ability to prevent dyspepsia with symptoms such as heartburn and discomfort.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

12 Refugee Facts in the Philippines

  1. A refugee is a person escaping his or her country because of the forced effects of persecution, war, or natural disaster. 
  2. The year 2000 was the year that the United Nations declared 20 June at the celebration for World Refugee Day.
  3. The first wave of refugees that came to the Philippines was the so-called "White Russians" of which 800 was a part of a fleet of almost 8,000 refugees that fled the persecution from the "Red Russians" or those who supported the 1917 Socialist Revolution. 250 worked in abaca plantations which were then a booming industry in Mindanao.
  4. The second wave of refugees were the 1,200 European Jews that escaped the World War II Nazi persecution. These refugees were accepted by former President Manuel L. Quezon by issuing the Proclamation No. 173 on 21 August 1937 which later became the basis of Commonwealth Act 613 now known as Philippine Immigration Act of 1940. By this act, a Filipino can see Quezon monument in Tel Aviv, Israel, inscribed with his words of welcome for refugees, that: “the people of the Philippines will have in the future every reason to be glad that when the time of need came, their country was willing to extend a hand of welcome.”
  5. The third wave of refugees to the Philippines was the Spanish Republicans who fled the Falange EspaƱola of General Francisco Franco from 1936 to 1939. It was due to the absolute neutrality being implemented by President Quezon during those time of the Spanish Civil War that these refugees were accepted in the Philippines.
  6. The fourth wave of refugees was the Chinese immigrants that came because of the Chinese Civil War. It was in 1940 that the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940 was enacted and 30,000 Kuomintang Chinese group were welcomed. It was also the time the Philippines became a sovereign country and the foreigners were allowed to become naturalized Filipinos as stated in the Philippine Constitution.
  7. The fifth wave of refugees was the second wave of White Russians, 6,000 of which were welcomed by former President Elpidio Quirino in 1948. These Russians left their community in Shanghai, China due to the impending communist forces and only the Philippines replied to their request for refugee status. This was also the time that the Displaced Persons Act of 1948 was amended.
  8. The sixth wave of refugees to the Philippines came during the years of 1975 to 1992 wherein 2,700 Vietnamese "boat people" escaped the fallen South Vietnam Government and was allowed to stay in the country.
  9. The seventh wave of refugees that arrived in the Philippines were Iranian refugees in the latter part of the 1970s during the Iranian Revolution.
  10. The eighth wave of refugees came in 1980 to the Philippines which were made up of Indo-Chinese refugees including citizens from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. It was during this time that the Philippine Refugee Processing Center in Morong, Bataan was opened to accommodate and facilitate around 400,000 refugees from 1980 to 1994. 
  11. The ninth wave of refugees was East Timorese during the time that the Timor was struggling for independence from Indonesia in 2000. Former President Joseph Estrada supported this action and was able to raise local funds to support these refugees.
  12. In November 2016, due to the crisis in Syria, President Duterte announced that he is welcoming Syrian refugees to the Philippines.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

12 Things About Abdul Sattar Edhi

  1. Abdul Sattar Edhi founded the world's largest volunteer ambulance network in Pakistan, the Edhi Foundation.
  2. Unlike wealthy individuals that fund charities in their names, Edhi dedicated his life to the poor from the age of 20, when he himself was penniless in Karachi.
  3. Edhi was born before partition in Bantva, Gujarat, India on February 28, 1928.
  4. He is also well-known for the aphorism: “People have become educated... but have yet to become human.”
  5. Edhi was born into Islam but never allowed faith to interfere in his humanitarian endeavors. Once asked why he helped non-Muslims, he answered simply: “Because my ambulance is more Muslim than you.”
  6. In light of the new US President’s “Muslim travel ban”, it is worth remembering another of Edhi’s remarks, after being detained and interrogated by immigration officials at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport in January 2008 under Bush administration terror laws. Questioned by reporters as to the reason for his detention, the philanthropist wryly offered: “The only explanation I can think of is my beard and my dress.”
  7. Abdul Sattar Edhi died of kidney failure, leaving behind his wife of 52 years, Bilquis, a former nurse, and four offspring. By the time of his death on July 8th 2016,  Edhi was registered as a parent or guardian of nearly 20,000 children.
  8. The Edhi Foundation's slogan is: "Live and help live".
  9. With more than 1,800 ambulances stationed across Pakistan, the Edhi Foundation is Pakistan's largest welfare organization. 
  10. In 1997, the foundation entered the Guinness World Records as the "largest volunteer ambulance organization" (operating 1,500 vehicles) and Edhi ambulances are welcomed as friendly neighbors throughout Pakistan. If you call 115 in the South Asian nation, the Edhi Foundation will answer.
  11. After the nominations in 2014, the hashtag  #NobelPrizeforEdhi was created; many said he should have been recognized instead of Malala Yousafzai, who is also from Pakistan. In an interview with the Express Tribune newspaper, Edhi said: "I don't care about it. The Nobel Prize doesn't mean anything to me. I want these people, I want humanity." 
  12. It was announced that the State Bank of Pakistan would issue a commemorative coin of 50 rupees (38p) in memory of Edhi as a small token of appreciation for his selfless services for the country.

Friday, September 8, 2017

12 Tips in Using Screencast Software

  1. I've learned a lesson for today, 08 September 2017 5:32 AM. Never USE VLC Player to screencast or save your desktop activities. It took around 435GB of hard drive or hard disk space from the laptop that I am using.
  2. Use other software in capturing or grabbing desktop activities especially videos.
  3. Check your hard drive or hard disk space before capturing your desktop activities in order to avoid hassles when you are converting your raw video file into a movie file already.
  4. Enable Storage Sense by turning it ON under the Settings - System - Storage module of your Windows 10 PC or Laptop.
  5. You can use YouTube
  6. You can use Screencast-O-Matic
  7. You can use the Built-In Screencast Recording Tool of Windows 10 by pressing Win + G and then press Win + Alt + R which is part of Xbox integration known as Game Bar
  8. You can use Ezvid
  9. You can use CamStudio
  10. BUT  I've used BB FlashBack Recorder which is my personal preference
  11. A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration.
  12. The term screencast compares with the related term screenshot; whereas screenshot generates a single picture of a computer screen, a screencast is essentially a movie of the changes over time that a user sees on a computer screen, enhanced with audio narration.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

12 Website Traffic Detection and Predicting Tools

  1. SimilarWeb – monthly visits
  2. – total monthly visits
  3. SEMRush – monthly search visits
  4. Quantcast – monthly visits
  5. SimilarWeb – global rank
  6. Alexa – Alexa Rank
  7. Moz – Domain Authority
  8. Facebook – Likes
  9. Google AdWords – # of monthly searches for brand name
  10. Moz – Linking Root Domains
  11. Twitter – Followers
  12. SEMRush – Ads


Monday, September 4, 2017

Top 12 Filipinos on Forbes 2017 Billionaires List

  1. Henry Sy $18 B 92 SM Investments Corporation
  2. John Gokongwei, Jr. $5.5 B 91 JG Summit
  3. Enrique Razon, Jr. $4.3 B 57 International Container Terminal Services
  4. Lucio Tan $4.2 B 83 LT Group
  5. Jaime Zobel de Ayala $3.7 B 83 Ayala Corp
  6. David Consunji $3.68 B 95 DMCI Holdings
  7. George Ty $3.6 B 84 banking
  8. Tony Tan Caktiong $3.4 B 64 Jollibee
  9. Andrew Tan $2.5 B 65 Alliance Global
  10. Ramon Ang $2.3 B 63 San Miguel
  11. Lucio and Susan Co $1.8 B 62 Puregold Price Club
  12. Manuel Villar $1.65 B 67 Vista Land & Lifescapes


Friday, September 1, 2017

Top 12 Wins of Team Philippines at the 2017 Southeast Asian Games

  1. Mary Joy tabal giving the Philippines its first gold medal in the 2017 SEA Games even though she had some previous conflicts prior to joining the Philippine Team.
  2. Eumir Marcial and John Marvin winning boxing with the former having an injured left hand and the latter winning on the fastest win in boxing which was winning in 21 seconds.
  3. Filipino triathletes, Niko Huelgas and John Chicano taking home the gold medal and the silver medal which also happened in the distaff or the women's division, Kim Mangrobang winning the gold medal and Claire Adorna taking home the silver medal.
  4. Mariya Takahashi, a 16-year old teenager upsetting Surattana Thongsri of Thailand who was the undefeated champion in the women's division under -70 kilogram category. Mariya Takahashi ended the reign of Surattana Thongsri by taking home the gold medal from winning by ippon in 48 seconds.
  5. The Mighty Ducks is the name of the Philippine Ice Hockey Team and they won in their SEA Games debut since this was the first time that ice hockey was included in the Southeast Asian Games. They scored 5-4 against Thailand winning the first place and they were just formed two years ago to become the pioneer ice hockey team for the Philippines.
  6. Trenton Beram contributing not just one but TWO gold medals for Team Philippines making him the only double-gold medal winner in Kuala Lumpur 2017 SEA Games. He won his first medal when he finished the 200-metre dash in the men's division in 20.84 seconds. He was assigned on a strange lane, lane number 7 which was a difficult lane, assignment the following day after he won and struggled with cramps and still won the men's division of the the 400-metre race and finished in 46.39 seconds.
  7. Chezka Centeno and Rubilen Amit, female players for the billiards, winning the gold medal and silver medal in the 9-ball billiards championship match.
  8. Kaitlin De Guzman, a 17-year old female gymnast, winning the gold medal in the same event where her mother won in the 1995 Chiang Mai Games. She brought home the gold medal in the uneven bars event and also won a silver medal in the floor exercise and a bronze medal in the balance beam event.
  9. Gilas Pilipinas proving their basketball expertise by winning the 18th gold medal for the Philippines with a score of 94-55 against Team Indonesia.
  10. John Colin Syquia, an unknown 46-year old equestrian rider, winning the gold medal in the individual showjumping competition at the 3Q Equestrian Center in Rawang, Malaysia. He won together with his mount named "Adventure E" surviving a 36-hour travel from Florida to New York to Amsterdam to Baku giving the Philippines its 23rd gold medal which was also the first gold medal in equestrian event since the 2011 Palembang Biennial. It was his first time to compete in the Southeast Asian Games.
  11. Eric Cray, a Fil-Am track and field athlete, giving the Philippines its 8th gold medal by winning the gold medal in the 400-metre hurdles event of the men's division with a time of 50.03 seconds and also winning the silver medal with a time of 10.43 seconds in the 100-metre finals of the men's division an hour after his gold medal win.
  12. The trio of Taekwondo jins, Dustin Mella, Rafael Mella, and Rodolfo Reyes, Jr. winning the men's division of the team poomsae event in the Taekwondo competition held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. They won with a score of 8.40 and their victory was the third victory in the same event for the Taekwondo Team Philippines since winning in the 2013 SEA Games. It was also the trio's second straight win and the third win for the Mella brothers.

    Thursday, August 31, 2017

    Donate to Marawi via These 12 Groups

    1. Phililippine Red Cross (PRC)
      1. Donations in Cash
        • Account Name: PHILIPPINE RED CROSS
        • Type of Account: SAVINGS
          • BANCO DE ORO
            • Branch: Port Area, Manila
            • Peso: 00453-0018647
            • Dollar: 10-453-0039482
            • Swift Code: BNOR PH MM
            • Branch: Port Area, Manila
            • Peso: 3752-8350-0034
            • Dollar: 3752-8350-0034
            • Swift Code: PNB MPH MM
          • METROBANK
            • Branch: Port Area, Manila
            • Peso: 151-3-04163122-8
            • Dollar: 151-2-15100218-2
            • Swift Code: MBTC PH MM
            • Branch: Port Area, Manila
            • Peso: 4991-0036-52
            • Dollar: 4994-0103-15
            • Swift Code: BOPI PH MM
          • UNIONBANK
            • Branch: Taguig
            • Peso: 1015-400-002-01
            • Dollar: 1315-400-000-90
            • Swift Code: UB MPH MM
      2. Donations in kind
        • National Headquarters located at 37 EDSA cor. Boni Ave., Mandaluyong City.
    2. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
      1. Donations for families of soldiers who have died in battle
        • Landbank Account Name: AFP Marawi Casualty
          • Account Number 00000552107128
      2. Donations for evacuees from Marawi City
        • Landbank Account Name: Marawi IDP 
          • Account Number: 00000552107136.
    3. Teach Peace Build Peace Movement Inc. (TPBPM)
      1. Account Name: Teach Peace Build Peace Movement Inc.
        • Bank: BDO
        • Account Number: 000040837270
        • Branch: SM Makati
    4. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
      1. DSWD Dollar Saving Account for Foreign Donation 
        • Account Name: DSWD FOREIGN DONATION
        • Account Number: 3124-0055-81 
        • Swift Code: TLBPPHMMXXX 
        • Bank Address: Land Bank of the Philippines, Batasan Branch, Constitution Hills, Quezon City 
      2. Peso Current Account
        • Account Name: DSWD DONATION 
        • Account Number: 3122-1011-84 
        • Bank Address: Land Bank of the Philippines, Batasan Branch, Constitution Hills, Quezon City
    5. Tulong Kabataan
      1. College Editors Guild of the Philippines
        • Philippine Postal Savings Bank 
        • Account Number 0001-003036-211.
    6. Kaya Natin! Movement for Good Governance and Ethical Leadership
      1. For cash donations
        • BPI
        • Account Number: 3081 1163 84
    7. Student Council Alliance of the Philippines
      1. Send email to SCAP at
      2. Contact Persons: 
        • Francis (09322284155) 
        • Isaac (09083151257).
    8. Ateneo de Naga University
      1. AdNU-SSG Office, 2nd Floor of Xavier Hall. 
      2. Contact Persons:
        • Bianca Melanie Medenilla Montero - 0977 200 2536 
        • Adnu-Ssg Kasurog - 0927 517 3369
    9. Chevening Alumni Foundation of the Philippines
        • Account Number : 3351-01126-6 
        • Bank: Philippine National Bank (PNB) 
        • Branch: Makati C. Palanca Branch
    10. Save The Children
      1. Visit savemarawichildren page or this direct link:
    11. Caritas Philippines
      1. Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands 
        • Branch: Intramuros, Manila 
        • Account Number: 4951-0071-08
    12. World Vision Development Foundation (WVDF)
      1. Account Name: World Vision Development Foundation, Inc.
        • Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI): 4251-0024-15
        • Banco de Oro (BDO): 000-2700-4341-1
        • Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank): 038-332-000-138
        • Metrobank: 0607060-518641

    Sunday, August 27, 2017

    12 Things About High Heels

    1. Research shows that high heels can be traced back to ancient Egypt. In the middle of the second millennium BC, Egyptians began to frequently use sandals. Retention was obtained generally by the Egyptians by a T or V thong passing through the sole. Egyptian butchers also wore heeled shoes for practical purposes, that is, in order to keep their feet clean of any blood while slaughtering animals. 
    2. Things started to change when during the European renaissance, the high heel became a status symbol worn by both male and females from the higher social statuses.
    3. Catherine de Medici a Franco/Italian noblewomen pioneered the use of heels as a fashion statement. Catherine de Medici is believed to have worn them to impress the French court when she wed the Duke of Orleans, the future king. It is believed to be the first instance when heels were worn however, this reference may be apocryphal, as the development of heels did not begin to come about until the late 1580s, based on iconographic evidence and extant pieces. Two hundred years later King Louis XIV of France decreed that only nobility could wear heels, and that only members of his specific court could wear red ones. Seventeenth-century portraits of King Louis XIV depict the various intricate heels worn by the king and they were often decorated with miniature battle scenes.
    4. In terms of design, high heels can be seen with plain construction or with embellishment. Depending on the design concept, embellishment materials include leather, wood, metal chain, plastic appliquƩs, lace, and others. The majority of embellishments are for aesthetic purposes. The rest are for functional support.
    5. High heels have caused significant controversy in the medical field lately, with many podiatrists seeing patients whose severe foot problems have been caused almost exclusively by high-heel wear.
    6. Cuban heels were first widely popularized by Beatle boots (variant of the Chelsea boot), as worn by the English rock group the Beatles during their introduction to the United States.
    7. Mongolian horsemen were among the first to use heels as means to keep their feet from sliding out of their stirrups. Actors playing tragic roles in ancient Greek drama wore the buskin, a boot with a platform sole, designed to give them greater height over other actors.
    8. American cowboy boots, first developed in the 19th century and still popular today in some parts of the United States, have high underslung heels to keep a rider's foot from sliding through the stirrup. High-heeled platform shoes were a widely popular form of men's footwear during the 1970s.
    9. High-heeled shoes slant the foot forward and down while bending the toes up. The more the feet are forced into this position, the more it may cause the gastrocnemius muscle (part of the calf muscle) to shorten. This may cause problems when the wearer chooses lower heels or flat-soled shoes. When the foot slants forward, a much greater weight is transferred to the ball of the foot and the toes, increasing the likelihood of damage to the underlying soft tissue that supports the foot. In many shoes, style dictates function, either compressing the toes or forcing them together, possibly resulting in blisters, corns, hammer toes, bunions (hallux valgus), Morton's neuroma, plantar fasciitis and many other medical conditions, most of which are permanent and require surgery to alleviate the pain.
    10. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III signed the department order on Friday, 25 August 2017, following a call from a labor union against the dress code that puts at risk the occupational safety of working women.
    11. Philippines is the first country in Asia to ban the mandatory wearing of high heels in the workplace.
    12. Types of heels found on high-heeled footwear include: 
      1. Cone - A round heel that is broad where it meets the sole of the shoe and noticeably narrower at the point of contact with the ground. It is closed on the front back and sides. 
      2. Kitten - A short, slim heel with maximum height under 2 inches (5 cm) and diameter of no more than 0.4 inch (1 cm) at the point of contact with the ground. 
      3. Prism - Three flat sides that form a triangle at the point of contact with the ground. 
      4. Puppy - Thick square block heel with approximately 2 inches (5 cm) length in all dimensions. 
      5. Spool or Louis - Broad where it meets the sole and at the point of contact with the ground; noticeably narrower at the midpoint between the two. 
      6. Stiletto - A tall, slim heel with minimum height of 2 inches (5 cm) and diameter of no more than 0.4 inch (1 cm) at the point of contact with the ground. 
      7. Wedge - Occupies the entire space under the arch and heel portions of the foot. 
      8. Viennese - The heel is longer than the shoe itself and is impossible to walk on, only found on fetish shoes, just for sitting or lying down.

    Monday, August 21, 2017

    12 Trivia Facts About Hayden Panettiere

    1. Hayden Panettiere was born on 21 August 1989 in Palisades, New York, USA.
    2. Her parents are both of half Italian descent (her father's father and her mother's mother were both the children of Italian immigrants). Hayden's other roots include German and English. Her parents are Lesley R. Vogel who was a former soap opera actress and Alan Lee "Skip" Panettiere who was a fire captain.
    3. Her younger brother is Jansen Panettiere.
    4. Her last name is pronounced "Pan-Hey-Tee-Air" and is the Italian translation of "Baker". 
    5. Panettiere first appeared in commercials at the age of 11 months, beginning with an advertisement for a Playskool toy train
    6. In 2004, Panettiere had her first starring role in the Disney Channel film Tiger Cruise.
    7. Panettiere made her feature film debut with 1998's A Bug's Life,[15] but her first film to actually be released was the same year's The Object of My Affection, in which she appears briefly as a mermaid in the school play in the opening scene.
    8. Panettiere's first single, "Wake Up Call", was digitally released on August 5, 2008. 
    9. She is the second-ever recipient of The Wyler Award (which honors a celebrity who has raised awareness of animal issues) for her on-the-ground work to expose Japan's slaughter of dolphins.
    10. Gave birth to her 1st child at age 25, a daughter named Kaya Evdokia Klitschko on 9 December 2014 andChild's father is fiancƩ, Wladimir Klitschko.
    11. In November 2007, she was awarded the "Compassion in Action Award" from the animal rights group PETA for her efforts to stop the dolphin hunt in Japan.
    12. In September 2008, Panettiere launched her own line of calfskin leather bags for the company Dooney & Bourke.

    Sunday, August 20, 2017

    12 Differences Between EPUB and MOBI Ebook Formats

    1. The full name of EPUB is Electronic Publication while the full name of MOBI is Mobipocket.
    2. EPUB is an open standard format developed by International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) which is a global trade and standards organization while MOBI was developed originally by Mobipocket SA which is a French company incorporated in March 2000 for MobiPocket Reader which was later purchased by Amazon in 2005.
    3. EPUB supports inline raster and vector images, metadata, and CSS styling.
    4. EPUB can adjusts its size to suit different screens while MOBI is suitable for smaller screens because of an image file limit of 64K.
    5. EPUB has a small file size while a MOBI is twice the size of an EPUB file.
    6. EPUB has a file extension of .epub while a MOBI either has a .prc or .mobi file extensions.
    7. MOBI and EPUB can display reflowable file content and fixed width layout.
    8. MOBI has digital rights management (DRM) protection embedded on its file preventing it to be shared easily due to plagiarism issues while EPUB does not have digital rights management (DRM) so that it can be easily shared.
    9. MOBI is a proprietary Ebook software of Amazon limiting its usage for Kindle books while EPUB is an open source software created by the International Digital Publishing Forum which can be read on almost all devices.
    10. MOBI is created by taking an EPUB file, renaming, zipping, and extracting and using kindlegen.exe which is a proprietary Amazon program while an EPUB is created by placing all these files in a directory, namely a package .xml file, an OPF file, and XHTML content files, and then zipping all of it and using the .epub. filename extension.
    11. You can use this link if you want to convert your MOBI ebooks to EPUB ebook format.
    12. You can use this link to convert you files to EPUB format as well as several other ebook format.
    References: vs MOBI

    Sunday, August 13, 2017

    12 Trivia Facts About Ike Lozada

    1. Ike Lozada was born on 13 August 1940 in Iloilo City, Philippines.
    2. His full name is Enrique Lozada and is also known as "Big Ike", "Kuya Ike", and "Iking".
    3. He is also known as "Dambuhalang DJ"
    4. Ike Lozada started acting at the age of 11 on the movie Mga Bituin ng Kinabukasan with the younger Susan Roces.
    5. He was an associate producer on the 1995 movie "Hatulan Bilibid Boys 2".
    6. He was a choreographer on the 1969 movie "Fiesta extravaganza
    7. He appeared as himself in the 1975 documentary "Memories of Our Love"
    8. "Apat na Sikat” of Channel 9 in the 70s was borne out of the imagination of the late Ike Lozada  which were composed of Arnold and Maribel “Lala” Aunor, Winnie Santos and Dondon Nakar.
    9. He was 54 years old when he died and his remains were laid to rest at the Manila Memorial Park in ParaƱaque City.
    10. Ike Lozada died on 8 March 1995 at around 8:25 PM, specifically he "died of secondary to massive biocardiac arrest" according to Dr. Carlos Lagman
    11. He had 180 credited movie appearances during his lifetime.
    12. His television shows included :
      • Big Ike's Happening (Banahaw Broadcasting Corporation, 1973–1984) 
      • GMA Supershow (GMA Network, 1983–1986) 
      • Talents Unlimited (ABS-CBN, 1986–1987) 
      • That's Entertainment (GMA Network, 1986–1994) 
      • Good Morning Showbiz (GMA Network, 1988–1989) 
      • A Star is Born (IBC, 1992–1993)

    Friday, August 11, 2017

    12 Notable Artists in the Early Hip Hop Era

    On 11 August 1973, DJ Kool Herc was the DJ at his sister's back-to-school party. He extended the beat of a record by using two record players, isolating the percussion "breaks" by using a mixer to switch between the two records. Herc's experiments with making music with record players became what we now know as breaking or "scratching".

    1. DJ Kool Herc - Clive Campbell, called a "founding father of hip hop"
    2. Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five - were an American hip hop group formed in the South Bronx of New York City in 1976. Composed of one DJ (Grandmaster Flash) and five rappers (Melle Mel, The Kidd Creole, Keith Cowboy, Mr. Ness/Scorpio, and Rahiem), the group's use of turntablism, break-beat deejaying, and conscious lyricism were significant in the early development of hip hop music.
    3. Fab Five Freddy - Fred Brathwaite, In the late 1980s, Fab 5 Freddy became the first host of the groundbreaking and first internationally telecast hip-hop music video show Yo! MTV Raps.
    4. Marley Marl - Marlon Williams, he is credited with influencing a number of Hip Hop icons such as RZA, DJ Premier, and Pete Rock.
    5. Afrika Bambaataa - Kevin Donovan, he is notable for releasing a series of genre-defining electro tracks in the 1980s that influenced the development of hip hop culture. Afrika Bambaataa is one of the originators of breakbeat DJing and is respectfully known as "The Godfather" and "Amen Ra of Hip Hop Kulture", as well as the father of electro funk. Through his co-opting of the street gang the Black Spades into the music and culture-oriented Universal Zulu Nation, he has helped spread hip hop culture throughout the world.
    6. Kool Moe Dee - Mohandas Dewese, he was one of the first rappers to earn a Grammy Award and was the first rapper to perform at the Grammys.
    7. Kurtis Blow - Kurtis Walker, he is the first commercially successful rapper and the first to sign with a major record label. "The Breaks", a single from his 1980 self-titled debut album, is the first certified gold record rap song. Throughout his career he has released 15 albums and is currently an ordained minister.
    8. Doug E. Fresh - Douglas E. Davis, is a Barbadian born American rapper, record producer, and beatboxer, also known as the Human Beat Box. The pioneer of 20th-century American beatboxing, Fresh is able to accurately imitate drum machines and various special effects using only his mouth, lips, gums, throat, tongue and a microphone.
    9. Whodini - The Brooklyn, New York-based trio consisted of vocalist and main lyricist Jalil Hutchins; co-vocalist John Fletcher, a.k.a. Ecstasy (who wore a Zorro-style hat as his trademark); and turntable artist DJ Drew Carter, a.k.a. Grandmaster Dee.
    10. Warp 9 - a science fiction themed electro-funk and hip hop trio, best known for their influential singles "Nunk," "Light Years Away," and "Beat Wave," ranks among the most iconic groups of the electro hip hop era. Described as the "perfect instance of hip hop's contemporary ramifications," Warp 9 was the brainchild of writer-producers Lotti Golden and Richard Scher. The duo wrote and recorded under the moniker Warp 9, a production project at the forefront of the electro movement. Warp 9 evolved from a studio concept into a band when Prism Records expressed interest in releasing Nunk as a single. Golden & Scher invited drummer Chuck Wansley and percussionist Boe Brown to perform the male vocals and rhymes. Later, a female vocalist was added to the group; Ada Dyre performed vocals and rhymes for Warp 9's second single, "Light Years Away." The group released two albums, It's a Beat Wave (1983), (Island Records), a street themed testament exploring the topics of science fiction, hip hop and mixing, and Fade In, Fade Out (Motown), (1986), a soul R&B oriented montage.
    11. The Fat Boys - The group was briefly known originally as the Disco 3 and the members, namely  Mark Morales a.k.a. "Prince Markie Dee", Damon Wimbley a.k.a. "Kool Rock-Ski", and Darren Robinson a.k.a. "Buff Love" a.k.a. "The Human Beat Box" (June 10, 1967 – December 10, 1995)
    12. Spoonie Gee - Gabriel Jackson, he has been credited with originating the term hip hop and some of the themes in his music were precursors of gangsta rap.

    Thursday, August 10, 2017

    12 Trivia Facts About Gaudencio Rosales

    1. Gaudencio Rosales was born Gaudencio Borbon Rosales on 10 August 1932 in Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines.
    2. Gaudencio Rosales studied theology at the San JosĆ© Seminary and had as classmates two other future bishops  Bishop Severino Pelayo, former bishop of the Military Ordinariate, and Bishop Benjamin Almoneda, former Bishop of Daet. 
    3. Gaudencio Rosales was ordained on 23 March 1958 by Bishop Alejandro Olalia  and was assigned to teach for 11 years in the seminary of the Diocese of Lipa.
    4. Gaudencio Rosales was given his first parish assignment in 1970 at the obscure barrio of Banay-banay and was later transferred to the biggest parish of the diocese in Batangas City.
    5. Gaudencio Rosales the first BatangueƱo to become auxiliary bishop of Manila and was appointed by Pope Paul VI on 12 August 1974.
    6. Gaudencio Rosales was consecrated bishop of the titular see of Oescus in a ceremony on 28 October 1974 and was appointed rector of the archdiocesan major seminary, San Carlos Seminary in 1980.
    7. Gaudencio Rosales was appointed coadjutor bishop on 9 June 1982 to the controversial and prophetic Bishop Francisco Claver of the Diocese of Malaybalay, Bukidnon and on 14 September 1984 he succeeded the Bishop of Malaybalay.
    8. Gaudenctio Rosales was appointed by Pope John Paul II on 15 September 2003 and  was enthroned in Manila Cathedral on 21 November 2003 becoming the 31st Archbishop of Manila and the fourth native Filipino to hold the post following centuries of Spanish, American, and Irish prelates and succeeded Jaime Cardinal Sin after his retirement.
    9. During his last year as archbishop, he was concurrently named Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Pasig from December 21, 2010 to April 20, 2011, a post he accepted after the resignation of Pasig's first bishop, Francisco San Diego.
    10. Gaudencio Rosales was created Priest of Santissimo Nome di Maria in Via Latina in the consistory of 24 March 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI joining fourteen others, two of them Asians, as the newest members of the College of Cardinals.
    11. On 13 October 2011, two months after his 79th birthday, Pope Benedict XVI finally accepted his resignation and appointed the then Bishop of Imus, Luis Antonio Tagle, as his successor.
    12. The 2013 Global Peace Award for Service was awarded to Cardinal Gaudencio Borbon Rosa.


    Tuesday, August 8, 2017

    ASEAN 50th Anniversary Facts and Figures

    1. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN, namely Indonesia or officially the Republic of Indonesia (Capital: Jakarta), Malaysia (Capital: Kuala Lumpur), Philippines or officially the Republic of the Philippines (Capital: Manila), Singapore or officially the Republic of Singapore and sometimes referred to as the Lion City, the Garden City or the Little Red Dot (Capital: Singapore) and Thailand or officially the Kingdom of Thailand and formerly known as Siam (Capital: Bangkok). 
    2. Brunei Darussalam or officially the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace (Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan) became the sixth ASEAN member on 7 January 1984. 
    3. Vietnam or officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Capital: Hanoi) became the seventh country to join ASEAN on 28 July 1995.
    4. The countries of Laos or officially the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Capital: Vientiane) and Myanmar or officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and also known as Burma(Capital: Naypyidaw) became the eight and ninth members on 23 July 1997
    5. The tenth country to join was Cambodia or officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia (Capital: Phnom Penh) on 30 April 1999.
    6. A formal charter for ASEAN was signed in 2007 and came into force in 2008.
    7.  The organization's secretariat is in Jakarta. ASEAN seeks to promote socioeconomic progress and regional stability through cooperation in banking, trade, technology, agriculture, industry, and tourism. Members agreed in 1992 to create the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), a regional common market, which became effective in 1993. Tariffs among the ASEAN nations have been greatly reduced, especially among the six oldest ASEAN members; a free trade area is slated to be established largely by 2015. ASEAN also has reached free-trade agreements with China (2004), South Korea (2006), Japan (2008), and Australia, New Zealand, and India (2009). Members are also pledged to work together to promote foreign investment in the region.
    8. ASEAN is the fourth-largest exporting region in the world, trailing only the European Union, North America and China/Hong Kong.
    9. ASEAN is home to 227 of the world’s largest companies.
    10. The ASEAN Economic Community was formed on 31 December 2015.
    11. Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines are included in the world’s top ten largest fish producers.
    12. Seven of the world’s twenty-five recognized biodiversity hotspots – biologically rich areas under greatest threat of destruction are found in the ASEAN region.


    Sunday, August 6, 2017

    12 Trivia Facts About Gary Valenciano

    1. Gary Valenciano was born on 6 August 1964 in Santa Mesa, Manila as Edgardo Jose "Gary" Santiago Valenciano.
    2. Gary Valenciano is the sixth of seven children of Vicente Calacas Valenciano, a Bicolano from Camalig, Albay and Grimilda Santiago y Olmo, a Puerto Rican from Arecibo.
    3. Gary Valenciano is also known as Gary V. and Mr. Pure Energy.
    4. Gary Valenciano has released 39 albums, and won the Awit Awards (Song Awards) for "Best Male Performer" twelve times. 
    5. Gary Valenciano is married to Marƭa Anna Elizabeth "Angeli" Pangilinan, with whom he has three children: Paolo Valenciano (vocalist of the band Salamin, and is married to Samantha Godinez) with a grandchild Nataleia Martine, JosƩ Angelo Gabriel Valenciano (singer, keyboardist, dancer, and is married to Tricia Centenera) and Kristiana Marƭa Mikaela (model-turned-singer).
    6. Gary Valenciano is a diabetic, just like his mother Grimilda who is also diabetic.
    7. He first appeared as a solo artist in 1982 in the television programme, The Pilita and Jackie Show, and later in Germspesyal and Penthouse Live.
    8. He had his first solo concert in April 1984 at the Araneta Coliseum, followed by a number of albums.
    9. Gary Valenciano is personally managed by his wife Angeli Pangilinan-Valenciano and sister Gina Valenciano-Martinez of Manila Genesis Entertainment and Management, Inc.
    10. In 1978, at 14 years old, Valenciano made his first television appearance in an advertisement for local soft-drink, (defunct) Fress Gusto.
    11. First artist in the world to have a Sennheiser Special Edition microphone named after him - Sennheiser Evolution Series 2001.
    12. First & current UNICEF National Ambassador of Goodwill in the Philippines from 1998–present.

    Wednesday, August 2, 2017

    How To Care For Introverts

    1. Respect their need for privacy.
    2. Never embarrass them in public.
    3. Let them observe first in new situations.
    4. Give them time to think. Don't demand instant answers.
    5. Don't interrupt them.
    6. Give them advance notice of expected changes in their lives.
    7. Give them 15 minute warnings to finish whatever they are doing.
    8. Reprimand them privately.
    9. Teach them new skills privately.
    10. Enable them to find one best friend who has similar interests & abilities.
    11. Don't push them to make lots of friends.
    12. Respect their Introversion. Don't try to remake them into Extroverts.

    Sunday, July 16, 2017

    12 Hotels You Need To Add To Your Bucket List

    1. Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Zaandam Zaandam, North Holland Province
    2. Crane Hotel Faralda Amsterdam Amsterdam, North Holland Province 
    3. Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort Huzhou, Zhejiang 
    4. Hotel Jested Liberec, Liberec Region, Bohemia 
    5. 9 Hours Capsule Hotel Kyoto Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Kinki 
    6. Sun Cruise Resort Donghae, Gangwon-do 
    7. Spitbank Fort Portsmouth, Hampshire, England 
    8. Free Spirit Spheres Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia 
    9. The Aurora Express Fairbanks, Alaska 
    10. Wigwam Motel Holbrook, Arizona 
    11. La Balade des Gnomes Durbuy, Luxembourg Province, The Ardennes, Wallonia 
    12. Hotel Costa Verde Manuel Antonio, Province of Puntarenas