Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

12 Actions You Do When You Finally Get Infected with Covid-19


12 Actions You Do When You Finally Get Infected with Covid-19 

Jerome Espinosa Baladad (author and brother)

I am sharing what I did when I was infected with the Covid-19 virus. Keep in mind, that there are already many viruses called “Covid” and we are not much bothered with infections from them. It is the Covid-19 virus and its transformations that give those of us who were infected by the horrible experiences we probably have heard about from others. The experience will be different for each person.

  1. Be thankful you’re vaccinated and boosted. That is if you really are. Or else, the next step is to PRAY that you survive it if you’re not vaccinated. I know at least two who were infected, one even 3x already, and yet, they won’t choose to be vaccinated. No matter what.
  2. Take plenty of liquids, water works best. I took plenty of water all day long, I had to deal with going to the bathroom constantly to pee, though.
  3. Take Tylenol, which I did to manage my extreme headaches from the virus. They’re not the same as my headaches due to my eye troubles. I didn’t have fevers but the headaches were so bad. The Tylenol would work to a certain extent. But there were still fleeting headaches in the background. And I would forget the most usual things I would do when I wasn’t sick yet. It feels like you’re brain was getting roasted.
  4. Be ready to use plenty of boxes of tissues to clean all the liquids from your nose. I had a bad case of cold when infected with the virus. I would also cough a lot, I thought my mouth was so ready to give up.
  5. Open room windows and allow fresh air to circulate. Much of the virus is really airborne, which apparently we admitted only lately, and so helps the viruses go away from where you are located.
  6. Minimize panic among your network of contacts. Don’t announce it to everyone. They don’t wanna know about your infection. But do reach out to those others whom you engaged with physically. They have to be aware they may have been infected. Even if they are not exhibiting symptoms.
  7. Eat well and rest well. Although both can be a struggle, realistically speaking. Just try to sleep more. The relief you will have will sustain you for the next few days.
  8. Count the days you’re actually infected. Mine was 5 days. I was actually exhibiting the symptoms by day 5 after I was told by my friend who informed me he was infected and that he suspected he must have infected me too.
  9. Choose and decide if you want to verify if you’re really infected. This depends on your location. If you’re able to get tested, then you’re in luck. I did and was able to get results in less than 48 hours via online means.
  10. Avoid feelings of despair. It could be worse, for all you know. I even went out to eat my favourite foods after I was told by my sick friend that he probably infected me with the virus.
  11. Wear your mask when you are with groups and crowds, use a fresh one every time. I had to take the subway and would wear my mask that would cover my mouth and nose.
  12. Be open to learning more about this disease. It may become endemic, who knows? I did, mostly by reading materials from specialists. Don’t take my word on this but it will be on you if you stop learning more deeply about it. It’s a really terrible inconvenience. We know it’s worst, especially for those with other diseases.

Hope this gives some value out there. Thank you.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

12 Powerful Ways To Heal Your Anahata


1. Meditation

As soon as you feel an imbalance in your Anahata, first of all, you should turn to meditation, which will help you to restore the correct flow of energy in your heart.

Meditation is a very personal experience, and everyone should understand what works best for him. However, there are several recommendations that are suitable for almost everyone.

For meditation, use comfortable clothes, and try to find a time and a place where no one will bother you. Even if it’s a five-minute break when kids play a video game, it’s better than no time for meditation!

If you don’t know how to start your meditative practice you may want to try meditations for beginners.

2. Color therapy

The green color can be a great tool for your heart chakra healing since the green color is associated with Anahata.

Include green color in your meditation and daily life. Add green clothes to your wardrobe, wear green jewelry. Do not forget to strive for balance, but do not overdo it. Plants are a great way to add greens to your workspace.

3. Mantra therapy

Mantras are a good way for reinforcing your aspirations. They are simple and help to focus on the most important. Mantra for Anahata is “YAM”. By singing this syllable, you not only physically heal your heart but also spiritually (emotionally) by opening yourself to unconditional love and compassion. You can repeat this syllable aloud or in your mind during meditation.

You can also use special love mantras for your heart chakra healing.

4. Affirmations
Since heart energy imbalance is often associated with self-esteem problems, it may be useful for you to practice affirmations that enhance the positive energy associated with Anahata.

Examples of affirmations you can use for your heart chakra healing:

“I love myself and accept myself completely»
“I’m open to love”
“I love myself”
“I forgive myself”
“I am loved”
“I radiate love and people around me feel it”
“I live in balance, in a state of grace and gratitude”

5. Music Healing

It’s not a secret that music has great healing power, and perhaps this is because it touches the strings of the human soul so much. Including music into your meditations, you will enhance its positive effect. You can also listen to love mantras and even include mantra music into your meditations.

6. Ritual Baths For Heart Chakra Healing

Ritual baths are not only a very effective, but probably one of the most pleasant ways to heal your Anahata chakra. All the details of this magical procedure and all the instructions you can find in my article “Ritual Baths For Chakra Balancing”.

7. Visualization

While you are meditating, visualize how a loving, healing light enters you through your crown chakra and moves down to your heart. Imagine how love and light fill every dark corner of your heart. Visualize how your heart is filling up with love, and how all the negativity is disappearing. You will see great results if you do this visualization every day for just a few minutes!

8. Hugs, Cuddling, and Touches

Physical touch helps to open your heart chakra. Try to give your partner or family members as many hugs as possible. If you don’t have a partner you can take massage sessions or reiki healing sessions.

9. Intimacy

Open yourself up to intimacy. Many people who give up relationships because of fears usually have a blocked heart chakra. Some people fear the loss of freedom, others – the loss of love. They avoid contact. But for your heart chakra healing, you need to allow yourself to experience love!

10. Forgiveness

Awaken compassion through forgiveness. It is essential for your heart chakra healing. Forgiveness does not mean that you should ignore or forget that people hurt you. Forgiveness means only that you release your emotional burden about this memory. Kindness will help you forgive the one who has wronged you and heal your emotional wounds. Don’t forget to forgive yourself as well!

11. Radiating Love

When you meditate, send love to everyone you know: to the people you love, hate, fear, avoid, the ones you know and the ones you may be accidentally seen just once in your life. Visualize how you’re radiating love and your love is healing everything and everyone around you. It’s a very powerful transformational and healing meditation!

12. Thoughts Control

Choose the direction of your thoughts. Every time when you catch yourself on a negative thought, tell yourself: “STOP!”. Replace that negative thought with a positive one immediately! This approach requires time, consistency, and discipline but it creates a habit of thinking about yourself in a positive, loving way!


Monday, July 12, 2021

12 Warning Signs You Might Have Alzheimer’s Disease Already


Source: 3 things to NEVER do with your loved one with dementia

  • You’re extremely forgetful
  • You’re misplacing things – all the time
  • Repeating yourself
  • Your sleep habits change
  • You have trouble completing everyday tasks
  • You feel confused
  • Feeling depressed, or a personality shift
  • Making poor decisions
  • Trouble speaking or writing clearly
  • Losing interest in work and socialising
  • Friends and relatives are concerned
  • You have a family history of early-onset Alzheimer’s


Sunday, April 12, 2020

12 Natural Gargles For Sore Throat

As an official comeback from a very long hiatus on this blog, posts will now be every 12th of the month.

For this official return, here are the 12 natural gargles for soothing your sore throat which is relevant during this COVID-10 worldwide pandemic.

  1. Salt and water - mix 1⁄4 teaspoon salt in 1 cup warm water.  Note: mix a fresh batch of gargle for every use. Better to waste a bit pouring it out than to leave it in your glass, where it might become contaminated with bacteria. Also, do not swallow the gargle; spit it out!
  2. Hot sauce and water - add five shakes of ground cayenne pepper (or a few shakes of hot sauce) to a cup of hot water for sore throat relief. The capsaicin in chillies helps soothes pain and fights inflammation. Note: Don’t try this if you have open sores in your mouth. 
  3. Ginger, honey and lemon - mix 1 teaspoon each of powdered ginger and honey, 1⁄2 cup of hot water, and the juice of 1⁄2 squeezed lemon. Pour the water over the ginger, then add the lemon juice and honey, and gargle. Honey coats the throat and also has mild antibacterial properties. 
  4. Sage and apple cider vinegar - Sage has been used as a throat-soother for centuries. One recipe to try during cold and flu season: grind 2 tablespoons each dried sage and thyme into a mason jar with 2 cups apple cider vinegar. Leave covered at room temperature for two weeks, then strain out the herbs. When you’re ready to gargle, mix a couple of tablespoons of the sage mixture into a small glass of warm water. Another herb with cold-busting properties is thyme.
  5. Turmeric and water - This yellow spice is a powerful antioxidant, and the traditional system of medicine called Ayurveda, rooted in Hinduism, has used turmeric to fight pain and inflammation for centuries. To try it yourself, add 1/2 teaspoon of the ground spice to a cup of warm water and use up to three times a day.
  6. Clove tea - Add 1 to 3 teaspoons of powdered or ground cloves to warm water, then mix and gargle. Cloves have soothing properties, explains acupuncturist, Elizabeth Trattner. Plus, they also have antimicrobial properties that can help stop the growth of bacteria, according to research in Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal. The spicy mixture can also be used as a mouthwash to help tooth pain, she says.
  7. Spicy tomato juice - For temporary relief of sore throat symptoms, try this tasty gargle: 1/2 cup each of tomato juice and hot water, plus about 10 drops of chilli sauce. Bonus: capsaicin from chillies boosts circulation.
  8. Goldenseal, echinacea, or myrrh and water - Gargling with these herbal anti-inflammatories can soothe swollen and sore throat tissue, says Trattner. Try several drops of herbal tinctures in a small amount of warm water.
  9. Apple cider vinegar and salt - Anecdotal evidence suggests that apple cider vinegar can help a sore throat, and research does show that it has antibacterial properties. Gargle with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water; use several times a day if needed. For a gentler treatment, combine 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon every four hours.
  10. Licorice root powder and water - Licorice root may soothe a sore throat and help eliminate cough-inducing phlegm; a 2013 study of more than 200 people found that surgical patients who had gargled with a licorice solution prior to anaesthesia were less likely to develop a sore throat post-surgery.
  11. Green tea - This one is actually a sore-throat prevention measure, since one health benefit of tea is the ability to fight infections. Next time you brew a cup of green tea, make a little extra and gargle with it. A 2016 review of research found that gargling with tea may have a preventative effect against the flu virus.
  12. Raspberry tea - This is an old home remedy for a sore throat because of the anti-inflammatory properties. One recipe calls for pouring one cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves or packaged raspberry tea. Steep for ten minutes, then strain and let cool a bit. Gargle while warm.

Sore throat remedies: 12 natural gargles that may ease the pain
ETH Podcast #COVID–19: Try gargling!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

12 Ginger Benefits

  1. Ginger is a natural remedy for nausea.
  2. Ginger is a means to fight fungal infections.
  3. Ginger is a natural pain reliever for stomach ulcers.
  4. Ginger is a natural menstrual pain reliever similar to mefenamic acid and ibuprofen medicines.
  5. Ginger is a powerful anti-cancer solution that may be able to block cancer cell growth including prostate cancer, pancreatic, and ovarian cancer.
  6. Ginger is a natural blood sugar regulator.
  7. Ginger is a very powerful joint and muscle pain reliever.
  8. Ginger is a reducer of bad LDL cholesterol and helps in raising beneficial HDL cholesterol to our body.
  9. Ginger is a brain aging protector.
  10. Ginger is a bacterial infection fighter
  11. Ginger is a healthy immune and chronic inflammation fighter including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.
  12. Ginger is a promoter of proper digestion with the ability to prevent dyspepsia with symptoms such as heartburn and discomfort.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Eat Papaya Seeds

Part One of Three:
Eat as a Raw Supplement

  1. Choose a small papaya.
  2. Chew directly on a few seeds.
  3. Work your way up to a larger amount.
  4. Try eating the seeds with honey.

Part Two of Three:
Use as a Replacement for Pepper
  1. Crush the seeds. 
  2. Use crushed papaya seed whenever you would use crushed peppercorn.
  3. Try seasoning meat with papaya seeds.
  4. Make a papaya seed salad dressing.

Part Three of Three:
Additional Usage and Storage Notes
  1. Note the health benefits of papaya seed. 
  2. Scoop the seeds out of a fresh papaya. 
  3. Store an excess in the freezer. 
  4. Avoid adding them to smoothies or similarly sweet foods.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Weed Day

  1. The unofficial celebration dedicated to marijuana.
  2. 420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a code-term in cannabis culture that refers to the consumption of cannabis, especially smoking cannabis around the time 4:20 p.m./a.m. (or 16:20 in 24-hour notation) and smoking and celebrating cannabis on the date April 20 (which is 4/20 in U.S. form).
  3. There are a few possible explanations for why marijuana enthusiasts' day of celebration landed on April 20, but the real origin remains a bit of a mystery.
  4. Steven Hager, a former editor of the marijuana-focused news outlet High Times, told the New York Times that the holiday came out of a ritual started by a group of high school students in the 1970s. As Hager explained, a group of Californian teenagers ritualistically smoked marijuana every day at 4:20 pm. The ritual spread, and soon 420 became code for smoking marijuana. Eventually 420 was converted into 4/20 for calendar purposes, and the day of celebration was born. (A group of Californians published documents giving this theory legitimacy, but it's unclear if their claims are valid.)
  5. One common belief is that 420 was the California police or penal code for marijuana, but there's no evidence to support those claims.
  6. Another theory is that there are 420 active chemicals in marijuana, hence an obvious connection between the drug and the number. But there are more than 500 active ingredients in marijuana, and only about 70 or so are cannabinoids unique to the plant, according to the Dutch Association for Legal Cannabis and Its Constituents as Medicine.
  7. A lesser-known possibility comes from the 1939 short story "In the Walls of Eryx" by H.P. Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling. The story describes "curious mirage-plants" that seemed fairly similar to marijuana and appeared to get the narrator high at, according to his watch, around 4:20. Since the story is from 1939, it's perhaps the earliest written link between marijuana and 420.
  8. Festivities are widespread in the US, where observances have been held in locations including Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco and Parliament Hill in Ontario.
  9. Today, it remains a term used to describe the consumption of weed, especially at around 4:20pm in the afternoon.
  10. Medical marijuana is legal in many parts of the US, with recreational use of the drug also allowed in certain states such as Alaska, California and Colorado.
  11. Most cannabis smokers report feeling relaxed, giggly and hungry, although some can feel light-headed, faint and sick. In some cases the drug may cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia.
  12. Last November 2017, California voted "yes" to legalizing recreational marijuana, making this week's annual celebration of marijuana in San Francisco the first officially sanctioned event by the city. A bevvy of sponsors were on hand to demonstrate the weed economy's growing clout, including HEMP20, Green Door SF and High Times Magazine (naturally). 


Monday, April 17, 2017

World Hemophilia Day 2017

  1. World Hemophilia Day was started by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) in 1989 to increase global awareness of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. 
  2. April 17th was selected in honor of the birthday of Frank Schnabel, founder of WFH.
  3. The WFH was established by Frank SchnabeLloyd in 1963 and has its headquarters in Montreal, Canada. It has member organizations in 113 countries and official recognition from the World Health Organization. 
  4. The aim of World Hemophilia Day is to raise awareness about hemophilia and increase the availability of treatments for this condition around the world.
  5. Hemophilia A results in impaired clotting mechanisms due to missing or reduced levels of factor VIII. People with hemophilia A experience recurrent and extended bleeding episodes that cause pain and irreversible joint damage. 
  6. Advate, Kogenate and Kovaltry - are approved for prophylactic use in patients with hemophilia A.
  7. Hemophilia B is a genetic disorder caused by missing or defective factor IX. Although it is passed down from parents to children, about 1/3 of cases are caused by a spontaneous mutation, a change in a gene. 
  8. Idelvion and Ixinity are approved for prophylactic use in patients with hemophilia B.
  9. Hemophilia is a condition in which bleeding is prolonged. Hemophilia is a condition present from birth and is normally inherited; you can't 'catch' hemophilia or pass it onto others. In some rare instances, hemophilia may develop later in life (typically affecting people in the 50+ age group).
  10. The slogan for World Hemophilia Day is 'Close The Gap', which reflects the difference in treatments available to people living in different parts of the world. By working together, it is hoped that we can close the gap of hemophilia care around the world. 'Close The Gap', is an apt phrase; when blood clots, a 'gap' is closed which stops bleeding.
  11. The World Federation of Hemophilia provide resources for those wishing to get involved in this campaign. Resources include posters, information on why people should participate in World Hemophilia Day, a logo, press release templates and suggested activities.
  12. Hear Their Voices is the theme for 2017, and the focus is on supporting women around the world affected by bleeding disorders.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

12 Trivia Facts About James Parkinson

  1. James Parkinson was born on 11 April 1755 in Shoreditch, London, England.
  2. He was the son of John Parkinson, an apothecary and surgeon practising in Hoxton Square in London.
  3. He was the oldest of three siblings, which included his brother William and his sister Mary Sedgewood.
  4. On 21 May 1783, he married Mary Dale, with whom he subsequently had eight children; two did not survive past childhood. Soon after he was married, Parkinson succeeded his father in his practice in 1 Hoxton Square.
  5. In 1784 Parkinson was approved by the City of London Corporation as a surgeon.
  6. In 1812 Parkinson assisted his son with the first described case of appendicitis in English, and the first instance in which perforation was shown to be the cause of death.
  7. Parkinson was the first person to systematically describe six individuals with symptoms of the disease that bears his name. Jean-Martin Charcot coined the term "Parkinson's disease" some 60 years later.
  8. Parkinson belonged to a school of thought, Catastrophism, that concerned itself with the belief that the Earth's geology and biosphere were shaped by recent large-scale cataclysms.
  9. He died on 21 December 1824 after a stroke that interfered with his speech, bequeathing his houses in Langthorne to his sons and wife and his apothecary's shop to his son, John.
  10. His collection of organic remains was given to his wife and much of it went on to be sold in 1827, a catalogue of the sale has never been found.
  11. He was buried at St. Leonard's Church, Shoreditch and Parkinson's life is commemorated with a stone tablet inside the church of St Leonard's, Shoreditch, where he was a member of the congregation; the exact site of his grave is not known and his body may lie in the crypt or in the churchyard.
  12. There is no known portrait of him: a photograph, sometimes published and identified as of him, is of a dentist of the same name, but this James Parkinson died before photography was invented.

Friday, April 7, 2017

World Health Day 2017

  1. The theme for 2017 is Depression: Let's talk
  2. The World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO).
  3. In 1948, the WHO held the First World Health Assembly. The Assembly decided to celebrate 7 April of each year, with effect from 1950, as the World Health Day. 
  4. The World Health Day is held to mark WHO's founding, and is seen as an opportunity by the organization to draw worldwide attention to a subject of major importance to global health each year.
  5. The WHO organizes international, regional and local events on the Day related to a particular theme. World Health Day is acknowledged by various governments and non-governmental organizations with interests in public health issues, who also organize activities and highlight their support in media reports, such as the Global Health Council.
  6. World Health Day is one of eight official global health campaigns marked by WHO, along with World Tuberculosis Day, World Immunization Week, World Malaria Day, World No Tobacco Day, World AIDS Day, World Blood Donor Day, and World Hepatitis Day.
  7. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings, and sense of well-being.
  8. Depression is the leading cause of ill health world wide, according to WHO, and it is also an important risk factor in suicide, which claims hundreds of thousands of lives each year. 
  9. It is estimated that more than 300 million people are living with depression, an increase of more than 18 per cent between 2005 and 2015 and WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan says: “These new figures are a wake-up call for all countries to re-think their approaches to mental health and to treat it with the urgency that it deserves.”
  10. Dr Shekhar Saxena, Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO added: “For someone living with depression, talking to a person they trust is often the first step towards treatment and recovery.”
  11. Depression has strong links with other noncommunicable disorders and diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and increases the risk of substance abuse.
  12. Women have a higher rate of major depression than men with women having a greater proportion of somatic symptoms, such as appetite, sleep disturbances and fatigue accompanied by pain and anxiety, than men, but instances of suicide in men is much greater than in women which is attributed to men choosing more effective methods resulting in the higher rate of success and that women are more likely to discuss their depression, whereas men are more likely to try to hide it; the culture of women being more free to express than men could be a contributing factor to this phenomenon.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke

Posting these signs and symptoms to ask for prayers for my mother-in-law who was admitted in the ICU last 1 April 2017 because of a mild stroke. Thank you for including us in your prayers...

  1. Sudden weakness
  2. Paralysis (an inability to move) or numbness of the face, arms, or legs, especially on one side of the body
  3. Confusion
  4. Trouble speaking or understanding speech
  5. Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  6. Problems breathing
  7. Dizziness 
  8. Trouble walking 
  9. Loss of balance or coordination 
  10. Unexplained falls
  11. Loss of consciousness
  12. Sudden and severe headache
Posting these signs and symptoms to ask for prayers for my mother-in-law who was admitted in the ICU last 1 April 2017 because of a mild stroke. Thank you for including us in your prayers...


Sunday, April 2, 2017

World Autism Day

  1. The theme for 2017 is "Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination"
  2. World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognised day on the 2nd of April every year, encouraging Member States of the United Nations to take measures to raise awareness about people with autism throughout the world. 
  3. It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly resolution "(A/RES/62/139). World Autism Awareness Day", passed in council on November 1, 2007, and adopted on December 18, 2007.
  4. It was proposed by the United Nations representative from Qatar, Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned, Consort of His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar, and supported by all member states.
  5. Resolution (A/RES/62/139) was passed and adopted without a vote in the UN General Assembly, mainly as a supplement to previous UN initiatives to improve human rights. The original resolution had four main components:
    • the establishment of the 2nd day of April as World Autism Awareness Day, beginning in 2008
    • invitation to Member States and other relevant organizations to the UN or the international societal system, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, to create initiatives to raise public awareness of autism
    • encourages Member States to raise awareness of autism on all levels in society
    • asks the UN Secretary-General to deliver this message to member states and all other UN organizations
  6. World Autism Day is also one of only four official health-specific UN Days.
  7. The day itself brings individual autism organizations together all around the world to aid in things like research, diagnoses, treatment, and overall awareness for those with the disorder.
  8. Autism is mainly characterized by its unique social interactions, non-standard ways of learning, keen interests in specific subjects, inclination to routines, challenges in typical communications and particular ways of processing sensory information.  
  9. Autism Speaks is a non-governmental organization in the field of efforts to raise awareness to autism, further research, and acts as an advocate to those with the disorder. This group engages in research dealing with causes, prevention, treatments and cures. It also acts as a large support system for families of autistic individuals.
  10. Light It Up Blue is one of the largest initiatives posed by Autism Speaks. It is observed on WAAD, and is a dedication to autism awareness.
  11. In the Philippines, the Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons with autism spectrum disorder. 
  12. The early signs and symptoms may include the following; the affected child:
    • Is unable to make eye contact with the parent; for instance, looking away when a parent is feeding them or the child not smiling back at his or her parent
    • Is unable to follow gesture or objects visually when pointed to him or her
    • Does not make noises to catch the attention of the parent
    • Is unable to respond when called by name or to a familiar voice
    • Does not use gestures to communicate such as wave goodbye or point at something
    • Not able to initiate or respond to cuddling or reach put to be picked by the parent or a person familiar to him or her
    • Does not interact socially with other children, his or her parents, or any other familiar person
    • Seems not to care if a parent or caregiver is hurt or is experiencing some discomfort


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Purple Day

  1. Purple Day is the international day for epilepsy and falls on 26 March each year. 
  2. On Purple Day people come together to turn the world purple for epilepsy, by raising vital funds and awareness of the condition.
  3. Cassidy Megan born in Nova Scotia, Canada created the idea of Purple Day on 26 March 2008, who was 9 years old at the time. motivated by her own struggles with epilepsy. 
  4. Cassidy's goal is to get people talking about epilepsy in an effort to dispel myths and inform those with seizures that they are not alone. 
  5. The Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia came on board in 2008 to help develop Cassidy's idea, which is now known as the Purple Day for Epilepsy campaign.
  6. Cassidy chose the colour purple because lavender is recognised as the international flower of epilepsy.
  7. In 2009, the New York-based Anita Kaufmann Foundation and Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia joined forces to launch Purple Day internationally, and in March 2009, the official USA Purple Day Party launch was organized by the New York-based Anita Kaufmann Foundation - a charity dedicated to educating the public about epilepsy.
  8. Epilepsy is a chronic disorder, the hallmark of which is recurrent, unprovoked seizures.
  9. The cause of most cases of epilepsy is unknown.
  10. The word epilepsy is from Ancient Greek: ἐπιλαμβάνειν "to seize, possess, or afflict".
  11. The world's oldest description of an epileptic seizure comes from a text in Akkadian (a language used in ancient Mesopotamia) and was written around 2000 BC.
  12. The oldest known detailed record of the disease itself is in the Sakikku, a Babylonian cuneiform medical text from 1067–1046 BC.

Friday, March 24, 2017

World Tuberculosis Day 2017

  1. March 24 commemorates the day in 1882 when Dr Robert Koch astounded the scientific community by announcing to a small group of scientists at the University of Berlin's Institute of Hygiene that he had discovered the cause of tuberculosis, the TB bacillus or Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  2. The theme of World TB Day 2017 is “Unite to End TB.” CDC and its domestic and international partners, including the  National TB Controllers Association, Stop TB USA, and the global Stop TB Partnership are working together to eliminate this deadly disease.
  3. In 1982, on the one-hundredth anniversary of Robert Koch's presentation, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) proposed that March 24 be proclaimed an official World TB Day. 
  4. This was part of a year-long centennial effort by the IUATLD and the World Health Organization under the theme “Defeat TB: Now and Forever.” but World TB Day was not officially recognized as an annual occurrence by WHO's World Health Assembly and the United Nations until over a decade later.
  5. In the fall of 1995, WHO and the Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Foundation (KNCV) hosted the first World TB Day advocacy planning meeting in Den Haag, Netherlands; an event they would continue co-sponsor over the next few years.
  6. In 1996, WHO, KNCV, the IUATLD and other concerned organizations joined to conduct a wide range of World TB Day activities.
  7. For World TB Day 1997, WHO held a news conference in Berlin during which WHO Director-General Hiroshi Nakajima declared that “DOTS is the biggest health breakthrough of this decade, according to lives we will be able to save.” 
  8. City pollution is one of the major causes of tuberculosis. 
  9. Tuberculosis can spread by being in the infectious air as the disease is an infectious one whose bacteria travel through air droplets, by way of coughing or sneezing by an infected person. 
  10. TB attacks the lungs but other organs such as the brain or the kidneys can fall prey to the disease too.
  11. Mostly, TB is found in underdeveloped countries.
  12. Most HIV deaths occur due to TB.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

National Banana Cream Pie Day

  1. The earliest mention of the banana pie is from 1880.
  2. The earliest mention of banana cream pie comes from the Blue Ribbon Cookbook of 1906.
  3. Unlike other versions of pies, banana pies were first made in a round shape because previous versions of pies were made in rectangular shapes.
  4. A version of the banana cream pie comes from England which is called the Banofee pie which is a mixture of banana cream pie and toffee.
  5. A banana cream pie with a "black bottom" is a banana cream pie with chocolate on the bottom.
  6. Bananas are proven to be an after-workout energy food.
  7. Bananas can help defend against anemia.
  8. Banana cream pie was considered an American soldier's favorite dessert in 1951.
  9. Bananas are a good source of potassium which is an essential nutrient used in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
  10. You can easily make a good banana cream pie with just a few ingredients – pie crusts, milk, cream, egg, banana, sugar. Simply pour your custard mixture into the pie crusts and top with whipped cream – add an extra flourish with some powdered chocolate or shredded toffee.
  11. Banana Cream Pie Martini:
    • 2 parts Whipped Vodka
    • 1 part Créme De Banana
    • 1 part Irish Cream Liqueur
    • 1 Fresh Banana
    • Graham Crackers
  12. Banana Cream Pie Cocktail:
    • 1 ounce RumChata Cream Liqueur
    • 1/4 ounce banana liqueur
    • Crushed graham crackers for rimming 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

12 Foods Against Diabetes

This post is in observance of the 2016 World Health Day which is celebrated annually. Today, 7 April 2016, the theme is about diabetes. This post is a short list of foods that can be good against diabetes. For reference, please see list of sources.

  1. Apples
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Citrus Fruit
  4. Cold-Water Fish
  5. Fiber-Rich Foods
  6. Legumes e.g. Chickpeas, Cannelloni, Beans, Kidney Beans and Lentils
  7. Green Tea
  8. Nuts
  9. Spinach, Kale and Collared Greens
  10. Dark Chocolate
  11. Beef Steak
  12. Vinegar


Sunday, November 22, 2015

12 Unusual Uses For Vaseline

Vaseline can be use to:
  1. Lipstick on teeth - Never get lipstick on your teeth again by smearing a little Vaseline on your teeth before applying lipstick and keep your chompers pearly white. This is a technique is used by beauty contestants, or those first learning to apply lipstick.
  2. Hair dye barrier - Protect your skin from being dyed along with your hair by creating a barrier on your forehead and around your ears with a thin layer of Vaseline. The petroleum jelly will protect your skin from absorbing the hair dye, allowing you to be a little messy when applying liberal amounts of dye to your hair.
  3. Shine your boots - Using some Vaseline to touch up your scuffed boots or heels can make them look good as new.
  4. Prevent battery corrosion - By adding Vaseline to the terminals of car battery you can help prevent corrosion because Vaseline forms a water resistant barrier around the metal tops of the battery terminals, a place where acidic corrosion is likely to occur.
  5. Revive dried leather - Vaseline is great for rejuvenating skin and is also good bringing back to life an old baseball mitt which is a leather good. Rubbing Vaseline into every stitch and seam and allowing it to sit for a while to really soak in, excess Vaseline was wiped off.
  6. Remove a stuck ring - Vaseline is super slippery and can be used to loosen any stuck jewellery from your chubby digits.
  7. Remove chewing gum from hair - Vaseline can help remove even the stickiest chewing gum.
  8. Put it on small cuts -The reason why trainers apply Vaseline to the cuts on the fighter's face during a boxing event is that Vaseline forms a barrier that can stop small cuts aside from being all slippery.
  9. Hairball remedy - Petroleum jelly is a lubricant that can be used to help pets with hairballs. because some animals don't mind eating Vaseline straight and for more finicky pets you can apply the petroleum jelly directly to the paws and they'll lick it off. Petroleum jelly is non-toxic, and in small quantities should be fine for pets but too much can prevent the intestines from absorbing vitamins and may give your pet diarrhea.
  10. Easy open jar lids - Smearing a thin layer of Vaseline around the threaded side of a jar lid before screwing on the lid will prevent any stuck food from seizing the lid to the jar and should allow you to easily open those suborn jars. This works great for sticky foods with high sugar content, like honey, jam, or barbecue sauce.
  11. Soft focus on camera lens - Applying a small dab directly to the camera lens with your fingertip and gently rubbing the entire lens is a classic technique in taking vintage photos.
  12. Moisturize dog paws - Try massaging a little Vaseline into your dogs dry paws when you are having a relaxing moment with your best dog friend.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Ankle Strength Techniques

  1. If the ankle musculature is strong, a person can withstand greater force before an injury is sustained and strengthening lower leg muscles will also help prevent chronic conditions such as shin splints and Achilles tendonitis. Proprioception can also increase an athlete's performance.
  2. Proprioception or proprioceptive training is done with balance exercises or balance training. - Standing on one leg: Hold for 30 seconds, working up to one minute per leg.
  3. Proprioception or proprioceptive training is done with balance exercises or balance training. - Balance and catch: Standing on one leg, catch and throw a ball with a partner. Make certain to throw the ball right, left, high, low. Perform three sets of 30.
  4. Proprioception or proprioceptive training is done with balance exercises or balance training. - One leg mini squats: On one leg do a half squat with the opposite leg out front for 10 reps, out to the side for 10 reps and behind for 10 reps. Repeat three times.
  5. Strengthening - Exercise using thera-band for resisted range of motion. - Inversion for three sets of 20 in each direction.
  6. Strengthening - Exercise using thera-band for resisted range of motion. - Eversion for three sets of 20 in each direction.
  7. Strengthening - Exercise using thera-band for resisted range of motion. - Dorsiflexion for three sets of 20 in each direction.
  8. Strengthening - Exercise using thera-band for resisted range of motion. - Plantar Flexion for three sets of 20 in each direction.
  9. Calf raises which is done both seated and standing to strengthen both calf muscles and the Achilles tendon for three sets of 20 
  10. Plyometric workouts which uses jumping type movements to strengthen muscles and make them more explosive. - Scissor Hops 10 to 15 times.
  11. Plyometric workouts which uses jumping type movements to strengthen muscles and make them more explosive. - Standing Squat Jumps 10 to 15 times.
  12. Plyometric workouts which uses jumping type movements to strengthen muscles and make them more explosive. - Bounding 10 to 15 times.


Friday, June 26, 2015


  1. Your body can be pushed and is capable of more than you can imagine.
  2. Your greatest enemy isn’t the best marathoner in the run rather, it’s yourself.
  3. You are what you eat.
  4. A little mettle along the way is needed to hurdle the run, and life.
  5. Nemesis who is better than you are there to motivate not to intimidate.
  6. Life is a mental test, pass it.
  7. Silver linings will be visible, even in chaotic times.
  8. You have to lose in order to win.
  9. Accepting that every day is different.
  10. The last in the race is better than those who haven’t tried the run.
  11. Celebrate milestones.
  12. Surround yourself with like minded, positive people.
Original article is found here.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

12 Nutritional Contents of Okra

Each figure is based on 1 cup (100g) of okra.

  1. Fiber – 2.5 grams. 10% of RDA (recommended daily value)
  2. Vitamin C – 16.3 milligrams. 27% RDA.
  3. Folate – 46 micrograms. 11% RDA.
  4. Vitamin A – 283 international units. 6% RDA.
  5. Vitamin K – 40 micrograms. 50% RDA. The vitamin K found in okra is known as vitamin K1, one of two beneficial forms. The other beneficial form is K2; K3 is synthetic and should be avoided.
  6. Niacin (Vitamin B3) – 0.9 mg. 4% RDA.
  7. Thiamin (Vitamin B1) – 0.1 mg. 9% RDA.
  8. Vitamin B6 – 0.2 mg. 9% RDA.
  9. Magnesium – 36 mg. 9% RDA.
  10. Manganese -  0.3 mg. 15% RDA.
  11. Beta carotene – 225 mcg.
  12. Lutein, Zeaxanthin – 516 mcg.