Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2022

La Vie en Rose - 12 Movie Scenes Where It Sounds


"La vie en rose" is the song that made Edith Piaf internationally known. Her success crossed generations and has endured through different voices and versions that the cinema has collected in some of its unforgettable scenes.

00:10 Fred Claus (2007)

00:22 View From The Top (2003)

00:35 Sabrina (1954)

00:50 Something's Gotta Give (2003)

01:04 A Star is Born (2018)

01:25 Noches de Casablanca (1963)

01:39 French Kiss (1995)

01:49 La Môme (2007)

02:01 Love me If You Dare (2003)

02:10 The Other Woman (2014)

02:25 The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)

02:41 Wall-e (2008)


Thursday, April 26, 2018

12 Essential Web Browser Extensions

These are 12 of the web browser extensions that I found useful in all my personal-related and work-related online stuff.
  1. Google Docs Offline - This is a useful extension for the Google Docs application so that you can literally use your documents offline and then re-sync afterward.
  2. Currency Converter - This is a useful extension to easily convert different currencies which you can add and remove if you want to know specific currencies only.
  3. SimilarWeb - This is an extension that is used to monitor rankings of website traffic and analyze it for other online purposes.
  4. Grammarly - This is a useful extension for correct grammar usage for your writings.
  5. Google Keep - This is a very useful tool especially if you want to just save specific website and keep a note on it.
  6. Majestic Backlink Analyzer - This is a tool used for analyzing backlinks on your websites.
  7. Open Multiple URLs  - This is a useful tool if you want to open multiple websites simultaneously.
  8. Alexa Traffic Rank - This is a tool used for analyzing traffic rankings for your website.
  9. One-Click Translate Page - This is useful for Firefox user who wants to translate websites that uses a foreign language as their primary language.
  10. Swift Selection Search - This is a useful Firefox extension to easily search specific highlighted words using your favorite search engines.
  11. Ghostery Privacy Ad Blocker - This is a Firefox extension designed for privacy protection.
  12. Hunter - This is a useful extension that you can use to find email addresses on websites.


Friday, September 8, 2017

12 Tips in Using Screencast Software

  1. I've learned a lesson for today, 08 September 2017 5:32 AM. Never USE VLC Player to screencast or save your desktop activities. It took around 435GB of hard drive or hard disk space from the laptop that I am using.
  2. Use other software in capturing or grabbing desktop activities especially videos.
  3. Check your hard drive or hard disk space before capturing your desktop activities in order to avoid hassles when you are converting your raw video file into a movie file already.
  4. Enable Storage Sense by turning it ON under the Settings - System - Storage module of your Windows 10 PC or Laptop.
  5. You can use YouTube
  6. You can use Screencast-O-Matic
  7. You can use the Built-In Screencast Recording Tool of Windows 10 by pressing Win + G and then press Win + Alt + R which is part of Xbox integration known as Game Bar
  8. You can use Ezvid
  9. You can use CamStudio
  10. BUT  I've used BB FlashBack Recorder which is my personal preference
  11. A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration.
  12. The term screencast compares with the related term screenshot; whereas screenshot generates a single picture of a computer screen, a screencast is essentially a movie of the changes over time that a user sees on a computer screen, enhanced with audio narration.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

12 Things I Was Not Able To Do On My 38th Birthday

  1. I was not able to apply for a Postal ID.
  2. I was not able to have a haircut.
  3. I was not able to unweed the grasses in our yard.
  4. I was not able to buy new running shoes.
  5. I was not able to jog.
  6. I was not able to have a photo with our two Siberian Huskies.
  7. I was not able to have a family portrait at a photo studio.
  8. I was not able to buy apples since there was no price tag.
  9. I was not able to update our business records. Again.
  10. I was not able to get a copy of Game of Thrones Season 7.
  11. I was not able to decide if I will attend the 21th UPOU Commencement Exercises although I still have a few days left to decide and budge.
  12. I was not able to continue writing my FIRST novel. AGAIN.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

12 Happenings On My Birthday

As I end my day, I pondered on the things that happened today, 30 August, which is my birthday. One special anxious moment was this morning. I had a nightmare at around 07:11 AM since I am on night shift schedule, I had to sleep in the morning. Thank God, my Love was there to wake me up.

I thank the Lord for all the small and big blessings I have received and ask forgiveness for all the wrongdoings I have done.
  1. I bought two games from GTribe which has a promo that was extended and long enough for me to buy with 2 hours left on the clock. The original price of the game was ‎US$39.99 for the Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth PC game and DiRT Rally was originally priced at US$59.99. I bought the two games at a promo price of $38.75 making me a UX member at GTribe with an exclusive badge at my profile plus an option to launch my own Fan Page at GTribe while helping game developers.  
  2. I donated a few savings at UNICEF of which I am a  regular donor. 
  3. I bought 2 pieces of Coin Collector's Collecting Album Holder which was on a Lazada promo price of Php 508.00 which is 40% of the original price of Php847.00. This is a good price already since it amounts to two coin albums already. 
  4. I also bought a TECO Coffee Maker at Lazada worth Php743.92 with an original price of Php 1,500.00, a sure savings of 50%. 
  5. I bought a Gold Medal Ear Mite and Tick Control (4 oz) at Lazada, for Ikkyo and Recca, our Siberian Huskies, to help get rid of their itchiness in their ears, most especially with Ikkyo's case. 
  6. I also donated a few pesos to the Save The Children organization, for Marawi children who are in need of our assistance because of the effects of the war against Maute group involved in terrorism. 
  7. I joined two teams at Chess dot com, namely Team International and The Bear Cubs. 
  8. I also joined the 40th tournament at the Chess dot com so that I will be able to exercise my mind again. 
  9. I bought Sampaguita garlands worth 50 pesos when we went to church. The Sampaguita garlands today are high compared to when I was young which was worth 10 pesos back then. I used the garlands as offering for my two patron saints. 

  10. I got a Silver Engineer badge in my Ingress gameplay. I got it when I reached the required 1,500 mods deployed for upgrading portals. 
  12. My family had dinner at home together with my two sister-in-laws and it was a delicious and mouth-watering experience.