Showing posts with label ways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ways. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

12 Tips in Using Screencast Software

  1. I've learned a lesson for today, 08 September 2017 5:32 AM. Never USE VLC Player to screencast or save your desktop activities. It took around 435GB of hard drive or hard disk space from the laptop that I am using.
  2. Use other software in capturing or grabbing desktop activities especially videos.
  3. Check your hard drive or hard disk space before capturing your desktop activities in order to avoid hassles when you are converting your raw video file into a movie file already.
  4. Enable Storage Sense by turning it ON under the Settings - System - Storage module of your Windows 10 PC or Laptop.
  5. You can use YouTube
  6. You can use Screencast-O-Matic
  7. You can use the Built-In Screencast Recording Tool of Windows 10 by pressing Win + G and then press Win + Alt + R which is part of Xbox integration known as Game Bar
  8. You can use Ezvid
  9. You can use CamStudio
  10. BUT  I've used BB FlashBack Recorder which is my personal preference
  11. A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration.
  12. The term screencast compares with the related term screenshot; whereas screenshot generates a single picture of a computer screen, a screencast is essentially a movie of the changes over time that a user sees on a computer screen, enhanced with audio narration.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

12 Website Traffic Detection and Predicting Tools

  1. SimilarWeb – monthly visits
  2. – total monthly visits
  3. SEMRush – monthly search visits
  4. Quantcast – monthly visits
  5. SimilarWeb – global rank
  6. Alexa – Alexa Rank
  7. Moz – Domain Authority
  8. Facebook – Likes
  9. Google AdWords – # of monthly searches for brand name
  10. Moz – Linking Root Domains
  11. Twitter – Followers
  12. SEMRush – Ads


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

12 Uses of Duct Tape

  1. Hold a Hemline - Simply fold the hem of your pants or skirt inward to the desired length, and place duct tape all the way around the edges.
  2. Repair a Damaged Vehicle - Use it to prevent a crack from worsening on a windshield, to tape up a broken taillight, to reattach a dangling rear-view or side-view mirror, or to keep a hood or trunk lid shut until you can get to the repair shop. Also consider taping a spare car or house key to the undercarriage of your vehicle or inside a wheel well; you'll be grateful it's there if you lose your keys.
  3. Banish Bugs - Use duct tape to seal small holes or gaps in your basement walls, around water pipes, or anywhere else pests can invade. To trap ants and other crawling insects, lay a piece of duct tape with the sticky side up along the edges of the basement floor or in between floor joists. Hanging strips or loops of tape from the basement ceiling can assist in catching flying pests.
  4. Lock Up a Leak - If you have a small hole in a boat, canoe, or kayak, use duct tape to make a watertight patch that will get you underway until repairs can be made. Apply the duct tape underneath the hull, as the water pressure will help keep it in place. You can also use duct tape to patch holes in other outdoor gear, such as canvas covers, camping tents, or even torn umbrellas. 
  5. Lift Off Lint - Make a jumbo lint roller by wrapping duct tape—sticky side out—around an old paint roller; use it to remove pet hair and dust from upholstery, curtains, and carpeting. For smaller jobs, like your navy blue blazer, loop a length of duct tape around your hand and press it all over the fabric to remove the traces of your furry friends. 
  6. Corral Cords - Use several layers of duct tape to create a wrap to corral extension or long appliance cords. For added organization, consider assigning a color to each type of cord—for example, pink for phone accessories and green for TV cables. To avoid getting adhesive on the wires, fold the tape strip in half, leaving the ends at their full width. After winding the tape around the cords, press the two sticky ends together to seal.
  7. Save a Screen - If you discover a small tear or hole in a window screen, use a strip of duct tape as a temporary patch until you can purchase replacements.
  8. Remove Residue - It may seem counterintuitive, but duct tape can actually be used to remove stubborn, sticky residue left behind by other adhesives, especially on glass surfaces. Place a piece of duct tape over the sticky mess, rub a few times, and peel it away. Keep in mind that it might take a few applications to thoroughly strip off all the residue. Finish by wiping the area with alcohol or window cleaner.
  9. Assist in First Aid - If you find yourself with a nasty splinter, use a piece of duct tape to remove it before it can work its way deeper into your sensitive flesh. Duct tape can also be a great temporary bandage for a deep cut, holding the edges of your skin together and minimizing blood loss until you can seek medical attention. For a sprain or a broken bone, use duct tape and a rigid stick to craft a temporary splint to immobilize the affected area.
  10. Act as a Rope - Twist a long piece of duct tape into a rope to use as a temporary clothesline. You can even combine several lengths of duct-tape rope to fashion a stronger chain that can help you achieve other heavy-lifting feats, such as crafting a sling to carry large objects or binding together items for moving or storage.
  11. Patch Up Plastic - Extend the useful lifespan of household essentials by duct taping cracks in plastic trash cans or storage bins. Other plastic home and garden items—vacuum cleaner hoses, buckets, planters, yard lights, or just about anything from your shed—can also benefit from the duct-tape treatment.
  12. Create Crafts - Duct tape is the essential ingredient in an impressive number of craft projects. Use a colorful or classic gray roll to construct, among numerous other items, a shock-resistant cellphone sheath, personalized textbook covers, doll house furniture, flashlight headlights for your bicycle, quirky floral arrangements, or fun and unusual Halloween costumes.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

12 Ways to De-Stress At The End Of The Day

Reposting a good article I have read while trying to figure out on what to do next after a short workout trying to relieve stress.

  1. Leave your work at the office 
    • The best way to de-stress at the end of the day is to leave your work at the office. Finish what you have to finish and then call it a day. Rid your mind of your to-do lists and other problems because you’ll have the next day to tackle it all. For now, let it all go.
  2. Have a good dinner
    • There’s just something about a good, warm meal that comforts you and makes you forget about all the stress of your day once you have that first bite. Go to your favorite restaurant and order that one special dish as your reward for a hard day’s work.
  3. Have a drink
    • Is that good meal not cutting it? Try having a drink (or two) to loosen up a bit and relax. CNN says, “At the ‘slight buzz’ level, alcohol is a social lubricant which often improves mood. You start to let go of a few worries, pay attention to the moment with friends.” Be careful not to go overboard though! You don’t want to nurse a hangover the next day on top of accomplishing all of your tasks.
  4. Treat yourself
    • You’ve been working hard all day. Walk over to the mall and treat yourself with a new pair of shoes, or new clothes. Even something as simple as ice cream will do. Treat yourself to anything, big or small, and go home happy and content.
  5. Do some yoga and release all that tension
    • If you’ve never tried yoga before, now is a good time to start. For beginners, you can check out Yoga with Adriene. For 20 minutes every day, calm your mind and feed your soul by following Adriene’s yoga for beginners’ video. You can also try her 30 days of yoga program, free on her website. You’ll find that even simple breathing exercises can change your mind set and help you relax for the rest of the day.
  6. Watch your favorite show or read a book
    • Escape your world and enter into another with your favorite show or book. There’s just something about these fictional worlds that make us forget about the one we exist in. Get lost in the pages of your favorite book and then have a good night’s rest.
  7. Listen to music
    • Even during your stressful work day, you can put on your earphones and listen to music to calm down or let loose. If you don’t already have the Spotify app on your phone, download it. There are a bunch of Spotify playlists that you can choose from to match your mood. Choose beats that will calm you down or pick you up – whichever you prefer.
  8. Go for a run
    • Don’t have a gym membership? No problem! Go for a run in your village or around your street and release those endorphins! When you go running, researcher MK McGovern says, “These endorphins tend to minimize the discomfort of exercise, block the feeling of pain and are even associated with a feeling of euphoria.” Get that runner’s high and get fit at the same time.
  9. Hang with friends
    • You probably talk to your friends all day in your various groups on Viber, Whatsapp, Line, or social media platforms. But being in their company is a whole lot of fun too! Catch up with friends after work and end your day with a lot of laughter and a warm heart.
  10. Have a hot shower
    • Get into the shower and lather on calming lavender bath gel, or any other scented bath gel you have lying around. Allow the hot water and scents to relax you and help you get ready for a good night’s rest.
  11. Have a massage
    • We’re lucky to have a lot of home massage centers all around the metro so that we can just call and enjoy a soothing massage in the comfort of our own homes. Book a massage and let your masseuse help you get rid of all that tension in your body.
  12. Get a good night’s sleep
    • Nothing is as comforting as finally ending your day in your soft and comfy bed. Make sure to go to bed early so you can have a long sleep to prepare you for the next day. 


12 Easy Ways to De-Stress At The End Of The Day 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to get married (legally) in Baguio City

It was our wedding day last 15 February 2016 and it is beneficial to those planning to get married in Baguio City in a civil way to read these tips when the couple opted for a civil wedding.

For both, get the following documents:
1.       CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage)
There are 2 methods
a.       SM business centre
                                                               i.      Go to SM City Baguio, 2flr
                                                             ii.      Fill up the form for application of CENOMAR, write legibly
The following are the data needed:
·         Number of copies you are requesting
·         Name (maiden name if married female)
·         Sex
·         Place of birth
·         Date of birth
·         Mother’s maiden name
·         Father’s name
·         Purpose of your request
                                                            iii.      Clerk will double check data entries and will confirm verbally specially when there are unclear entries
                                                           iv.      Pay Php195.00 plus a service charge of Php20.00
                                                             v.      Claim CENOMAR after 4 working days
b.      NSO
                                                               i.      Proceed to  the NSO office located at Lower Bonifacio St
                                                             ii.      Get a number and application form from the Information desk/guard
                                                            iii.      Fill up the entries and proceed to the screener’s desk once your number is called
                                                           iv.      Pay the fee of Php 195.00
                                                             v.      Claim CENOMAR after 4 working days

2.       Proof of Age (NSO Birth Certificate or Baptismal certificate)
a.       Birth Certificate
                                                               i.      The 2 methods for acquiring for CENOMAR applies for getting a birth certificate
                                                             ii.      Fee is Php 140.00
                                                            iii.      Document is released within 2 hours or on the next working day. Other cases require a certain amount of days to claim the document
b.      Baptismal Certificate

3.       Community Tax Certificate (CEDULA)
You and your partner must apply for a cedula
a.       Proceed to the one-stop shop of the Baguio City Hall
b.      A small piece of paper is provided for you to write the data needed
c.       Fall in line and wait your turn (waiting time depends on the volume of applicants)
d.      Valid ID is required. Recent payslip or previous cedula may be presented for easier computation of tax to be paid.
e.       Pay the amount, affix signature and thumb mark

4.       Barangay Certification
To get married in Baguio, one of the requirements is to prove that one of the couple is a resident of Baguio
a.       Proceed to your Barangay hall and request for Barangay Certification
b.      Some barangays require a cedula while other just needs a valid ID
c.       Fees for certification may also vary in different Barangays. (Php 50.00)
d.      Form is released after 15 minutes.

5.       Pre-Marriage Counselling or Seminar on Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood
a.       Proceed to the Health Services Office at T. Alonzo St.
b.      Proceed to the cashier and pay a fee of Php 20.00 as seminar fee.
c.       Schedule of seminar is as follows:
                                                               i.      Tuesdays: 1:00 – 4:00 PM
                                                             ii.      Thursdays: 8:00 – 11:00 AM

6.       Attend the Pre-Marriage Counselling or Seminar on Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood
a.       Proceed to the PMC/ Population Office, 3rd floor of the Health Services Office at T. Alonzo St.
b.      Prepare payment receipt and CENOMAR
c.       Each couple goes through a short interview to assess their family planning knowledge
d.      The couple proceeds to attend a 3-4 hour seminar. Speakers are from the civil registry office, health department, and other private organizations. 
e.      Certificate of Attendance is given at the end of the seminar.

7.       Submit requirements at the CIVIL REGISTRY Office
a.       Photocopy all requirements
b.      Proceed to CIVIL REGISTRY Office just beside Health Services Office at T. Alonzo St.
c.       Ask the information officer for a number and sign the log book
d.      Present all requirements to the Civil registry employee
e.      Once all requirements are validated, a form is provided to be filled up (3 copies)
f.        Submit the form to officer
8.       Pay MARRIAGE LICENSE fee
a.       Ask the information officer for a number
b.      Proceed to the 2nd floor of the Civil Registry Office and pay a fee of  Php 142.00
c.       Keep the receipt, as this serves as your claim stub
d.      Marriage License is released after 10 calendar days

9.       Schedule a wedding date
The following process does not really let you choose a date for your wedding. There are 2 options:
a.       City Mayor as presiding officer
                                                               i.      Proceed to the Mayor’s office located at the Baguio City Hall and inquire on the schedule. The Mayor’s office only schedules one date for marriages per month and accommodates only 15 couples.
                                                             ii.      Pay a solemnization fee of Php500.00 at the one-stop
                                                            iii.      Submit the original copy of the marriage license, names of sponsors or witnesses and the solemnization fee receipt.

b.      Judge assigned by Regional Trial Court
                                                              i.      Proceed to the RTC office located at the Justice hall just near Baguio City Hall
                                                            ii.      Provide the following requirements:
·         Marriage license
·         NSO Birth certificate
·         CENOMAR
·         Barangay clearance
·         CEDULA
                                                          iii.      Pay a solemnization fee of Php 800.00 at the one-stop shop
                                                           iv.      Wait for your schedule to be announced. Schedules and presiding judge will be raffled every Thursday.
                                                             v.      Visit the RTC Thursday afternoon or Friday to inquire on the date assigned for you and your partner

10.   Attend the ceremony
a.       Be on-time or even 30 minutes earlier.
b.      Check the marriage certificate, ensure that the names and dates are correct
c.       Have fun and enjoy the ceremony!

11.   Submit _ City Hall personnel will be submitting the signed marriage certificates to the Civil Registry Office
12.   Wait for 6 months for the official NSO marriage certificate 

REITERATION, in simple words:
for both parties:
  1. get a CENOMAR
  2. get a BARANGAY CERTIFICATION which can be applied by either one but one should be residing here in Baguio City
  4. get a cedula for you and your partner
  5. pay 20 pesos for the required, mandatory and compulsory "pre-marriage counselling" conducted at the Baguio City Health Services Office
  6. attend the seminar which is held every Tuesday 1-4 or Thursday 9-12
  9. proceed to the CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE and submit all the requirements AND fill up all forms in three copies
  10. pay marriage license fee and after 10 calendar days, the marriage licence will be ready
  11. proceed to City Hall and inquire for the schedule of the City Mayor. AND PAY FOR THE SOLEMNIZATION FEE OF 500 PESOS if there is no more available schedule, then
  12. proceed to JUSTICE HALL and inquire for the schedule of the RTC AND PAY FOR THE SOLEMNIZATION FEE OF 800 PESOS

Friday, November 13, 2015

Ankle Strength Techniques

  1. If the ankle musculature is strong, a person can withstand greater force before an injury is sustained and strengthening lower leg muscles will also help prevent chronic conditions such as shin splints and Achilles tendonitis. Proprioception can also increase an athlete's performance.
  2. Proprioception or proprioceptive training is done with balance exercises or balance training. - Standing on one leg: Hold for 30 seconds, working up to one minute per leg.
  3. Proprioception or proprioceptive training is done with balance exercises or balance training. - Balance and catch: Standing on one leg, catch and throw a ball with a partner. Make certain to throw the ball right, left, high, low. Perform three sets of 30.
  4. Proprioception or proprioceptive training is done with balance exercises or balance training. - One leg mini squats: On one leg do a half squat with the opposite leg out front for 10 reps, out to the side for 10 reps and behind for 10 reps. Repeat three times.
  5. Strengthening - Exercise using thera-band for resisted range of motion. - Inversion for three sets of 20 in each direction.
  6. Strengthening - Exercise using thera-band for resisted range of motion. - Eversion for three sets of 20 in each direction.
  7. Strengthening - Exercise using thera-band for resisted range of motion. - Dorsiflexion for three sets of 20 in each direction.
  8. Strengthening - Exercise using thera-band for resisted range of motion. - Plantar Flexion for three sets of 20 in each direction.
  9. Calf raises which is done both seated and standing to strengthen both calf muscles and the Achilles tendon for three sets of 20 
  10. Plyometric workouts which uses jumping type movements to strengthen muscles and make them more explosive. - Scissor Hops 10 to 15 times.
  11. Plyometric workouts which uses jumping type movements to strengthen muscles and make them more explosive. - Standing Squat Jumps 10 to 15 times.
  12. Plyometric workouts which uses jumping type movements to strengthen muscles and make them more explosive. - Bounding 10 to 15 times.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Treadmill Running 12 Tips

Treadmill running is an alternative way to run if you do not have time to go outside due to some reasons such as bad weather or not just in the mood to go out. Personally, I use the treadmill before going to work. 5 to 8 minutes will suffice already depending on the available time so as not to be late for work. Before, I rarely use the treadmill for running but since this is one of the available alternative for me to keep fit, I am now a treadmill believer. Treadmill running is an additional training for my long distance running adventures.

If you are browsing for some tips to make your treadmill running worthwhile, here are twelve (12) recommendations. 
  1. Make sure you warm up.
  2. Use a slight incline.
  3. Don't make it too steep.
  4. Don't hold onto the handrail or console.
  5. Don't forget your cool down.
  6. Don't lean forward.
  7. Pay attention to your stride.
  8. Work on improving your stride count.
  9. Listen to music.
  10. Visualize a route.
  11. Don't forget to hydrate.
  12. Don't look down.
Treadmill at home


12 Tips for Treadmill Running
Cold Weather Running 

It Made A Treadmill Believer Out Of Me!
10 Boredom-Busting Treadmill Workouts
Advice for first ever tempo run on treadmill? (Read 183 times)

Monday, July 7, 2014

D3dx9_43.dll file missing

We encountered this error when we installed LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes PC game on Love's Lenovo G470 CPU B970 2.3 GHz with Windows 7 Ultimate operating system. Fortunately, we were able to troubleshoot it and found a solution for the error.

D3dx9_43.dll issues are caused in one way or another by an issue with Microsoft DirectX. The d3dx9_43.dll file is one of many files contained in the DirectX software collection. Since DirectX is utilized by most Windows based games and advanced graphics programs, d3dx9_43.dll errors usually show up only when using these programs.

The d3dx9_43.dll error message could apply to any program that utilizes Microsoft DirectX, most commonly video games.
Any of Microsoft's operating systems since Windows 98 may be affected by d3dx9_43.dll and other DirectX issues. This includes Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.
  1. Do not download the d3dx9_43.dll DLL file individually from any "DLL download site." 
  2. If you've already downloaded d3dx9_43.dll from one of those DLL download sites, remove it from wherever you put it.
  3. Restart your computer if you haven't yet.
    The d3dx9_43.dll error might be a fluke and a simple restart could clear it up completely.
  4. Install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX. Chances are, upgrading to the latest version of DirectX will fix the d3dx9_43.dll not found error.
  5. Microsoft often releases updates to DirectX without updating the version number or letter so be sure to install the latest release even if your version is technically the same.
  6. The same DirectX installation program works with all versions of Windows including Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP, and more. It will replace any missing DirectX 11, DirectX 10, or DirectX 9 file.
  7. Assuming the latest DirectX version from Microsoft doesn't fix the d3dx9_43.dll error you're receiving, look for a DirectX installation program on your game or application DVD or CD. Usually, if a game or other program utilizes DirectX, the software developers will include a copy of DirectX on the installation disc.
  8. Uninstall the game or software program and then reinstall it again. Something might have happened to the files in the program that work with d3dx9_43.dll and a reinstall could do the trick.
  9. Restore the d3dx9_43.dll file from the latest DirectX software package. If the above troubleshooting steps haven't worked to solve your d3dx9_43.dll error, try extracting the d3dx9_43.dll individually from the DirectX downloadable package.
  10. Try reinstalling the DirectX update if the game you have installed encountered the same error or another error again.
  11. Update the drivers for your video card. While it's not the most common solution, in some situations updating the drivers for the video card in your computer could correct this DirectX issue.
  12. You may run System File Checker tool.
    How to use the System File Checker tool to troubleshoot missing or corrupted system files on Windows Vista or on Windows 7.

D3dx9_43.dll file missing in Windows 7
How To Fix D3dx9_43.dll Not Found or Missing Errors 

DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer 
Uninstall or change a program
Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

12 Benefits of Air Humidifier

Humidity refers to the amount of atmospheric water vapor, and humidifiers are devices that increase it. Indoor humidity levels should ideally remain between 30 and 50 percent. Levels can be monitored with a device called a hygrometer, and many humidifiers have them built in.

  1. Maintain Health - Maintaining an ideal humidity level in the home can be a preventative measure against getting sick because dry air is the perfect breeding ground for many viruses that cause flu and cold symptoms.
  2. Relieve Sinusitis - Sinuses cannot dry out and function properly if the air is too dry.
  3. Aids Faster Healing - The humidifier keeps your nasal passage lubricated which aids the healing of diseases like cold, asthma or allergies.
  4. Stops Nasal Bleeding - Keeping your nasal canal lubricated and moist is essential to stop bleeding from your nose because excess dry weather can sometimes result in nose bleeding.
  5. Prevents Snoring - The moisture of the humidifier prevents drying of the throat which causes snoring
  6. Takes Care of Your Skin - A humidifier can keep our skin moist and smooth because our skin suffers from lack of moisture due to the dry condition of the weather which results to formation of cracks.
  7. Protects your Furniture - An air humidifier resists excess drying of furniture that protects them from cracking and peeling.
  8. Reduces Heating Bills - An air humidifier makes your body feel warmer and more comfortable which in turn reduces your heating bills.
  9. Prevents Static Shock - A humidifier protects you from static shock by minimizing static electricity in your home.
  10. Healthy Environment for Indoor Plants – Many indoor plants require humidity to survive, or else their leaves will dry out and turn brown. Watering indoor plants more often is not the answer and may cause root rot and plant death. The best solution is to moisten the air around the plants with a humidifier.
  11. Sooths the Throat and Nose – Moist air can keep mucus membranes from drying out, which is a primary cause of a stuffy nose and sore throat.
  12. Helps Babies Sleep and Feel Better – Properly humidified air reduces dust and the drying of air passages, which impact breathing and sleep. A baby tends to be more comfortable and sleep better in a humidified environment, which provides a restful night for everyone in the house.

The Benefits of an Air Humidifier
Humidifiers: Your Skin’s Best Friend
Humidifiers can help stop snoring and 9 other benefits of humidifying your home
8 Must Know Benefits of an Air Humidifier

Friday, June 27, 2014

Network Connection Configuration

Today was supposed to be the last day of waiting before my Computer Hardware Servicing NC II examination. Then, I received a text message informing me that the said exam was rescheduled to 4 July 2014. It was half-relief for me because I will still have enough time to review for another week. It was half-eagerness for me too because I already want to finish it and relax but maybe it was my destiny to review more. I also have to file for another leave because it was scheduled on a Friday which is still a working day.

Anyway, this is part of my review on how to configure network connection in Windows XP.
  1. Click on the Start menu. 
  2. Click on Control Panel. 
  3. When the Control Panel window opens, you will see items in either Category View (continue with step #3) or Classic View (skip to item #4).
  4. Find and double-click on the Network and Internet connection icon. 
  5. Next, find and double-click on the Network Connections icon, a window will open with all network connections available on the computer (wired and wireless). 
  6. Find the network connection you want to manually configure, right-click on it and select Properties from the pop-up menu. 
  7. In the Connection Properties window, under the section labeled This connection uses the following items: find the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item and double-click it. 
  8. A new window will open, select the second radio button which is labeled Use the following IP address.
  9. Enter the appropriate IP address (; subnet mask (usually; and gateway (the router or proxy server address).
  10. The next part of the windows will now have a radio button selected which is labeled Use the following DNS server addresses
  11. If you need to access the Internet, enter the DNS addresses provided by your ISP; if you do not have that information you can use the OpenDNS server. Their DNS addresses are: and 
  12. After entering the required information, click the OK button twice and close the Control Panel window.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

12 Basic Mobo Parts

Two days before my TESDA Computer Hardware Servicing (National Certificate) NC II examination. This is part of my review for the said assessment.

12 Basic Parts of a Mobo (slang for Motherboard):
  1. I/O ports - this is located in the rear panel of the CPU. This is use to connect the outside hardware or peripherals of the computer.
  2. ATX Power Connectors:
    1. ATX Power connector (4 pin) - this is use to connect the 4 pin of the power supply unit (PSU) .This is separate of the 20 or 24 pin of ATX power supply to provide DC voltage of computer processor.
    2. ATX Power connector (24 or 28 pin)- a group of connector of the MOBO, This is separate of the 4 pin power assignments. Its provide a DC power output to the system board(SB)from the output of the Power Supply Unit.
  3. Processor’s ZIF Socket - part of MOBO which is use to hold the processor or CPU chip (Zero Insertion Force). The compatibility of the socket depends on the computer processor type such as the AM2 socket of the AMD and the socket 775 of the Intel company.
  4. Memory slot (DIMM) - this is called Dual Inline Memory Module which is the computer's memory slot or what we call RAM. The memory slot depends on the type of the memory such as the PC 133 SDRAM and PC 400 SDRAM-DDR 1.
  5. CMOS/BIOS jumper - this is use to disable the BIOS default setup such as disabling the supervisor password of the BIOS.
  6. IDE connector (Integrated Drive Electronics) - this is use to connect the IDE cable of the HDD (Hard Disk Drive) or CD/DVD ROM to the motherboard IDE.
  7. SATA connector - this is Serial Advance Technology Attachment. The new standard of the IDE connection array of the computer HDD (SATA HDD) to the motherboard system.
  8. FDD connector - the connector of the FDD cable through the system board. Normally there are 34 pins out of it to connect the 3.5” 1.44mb Floppy Disk Drive.
  9. Front panel connectors (F-Panel) - this is use to connect the Power LED, HDD LED, Power Switch and Reset switch of the computer system unit(CPU).
  10. PCI slots - part of the computer motherboard that is use to connect the I/O cards of the computer such as LAN card, WIFI card, USB expansion card and sound card.
  11. PCI express slot - part of the computer that holds the computer video card (VGA), the PCIe card. The latest card used which is most compatible with 3D and 4G gaming of the computer. (The old video card type is the AGP or Accelerated Graphic Ports.
  12. Controller Hubs:
    1. North Bridge IC - another name of the north bridge is Memory Controller Hub (MCH) which is assigned to manage and control the computer memory before the processing of the CPU chip.
    2. South Bridge IC - another name of the south bridge is I/O Controller Hub (ICH) which is a microchip tasked to control all the input and output devices of the computer such as the keyboard and mouse, the monitor screen of the computer, that is commonly found at the back of the CPU or system unit.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

12 OHS Procedures for Computer Hardware Servicing NC II

Three days before my examination in Computer Hardware Servicing NC II at Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) on Saturday, 28 June 2014. This post is part of my review for the said assessment.

OHS or Occupational Health and Safety refers to the legislation, policies, procedures and activities that aim to protect the health, safety and welfare of all people at the workplace.

  1. Do not work alone so that there's someone who can take care of you in case of emergency.
  2. Always power off the computer and unplug the computer before working on it.
  3. Take away any liquid near your working area to avoid getting electrocuted or accidentally damaging computer parts.
  4. Be careful with tools that may cause short circuit.
  5. Always ground or discharge yourself before touching any part of the computer.
  6. Do not use excessive force if things don't quite slip into place.
  7. Clean the area before and after using it to maintain sanitation and prevent accidents.
  8. Hold the components on the edges and do not touch the Integrated Circuit (IC) parts.
  9. Always wear personal protective equipments (PPE) in accordance with the organization's OHS procedures and practices.
  10. Make sure that the pins are properly aligned when connecting a cable connector.
  11. Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized.
  12. Use brush, compressed air or blower in cleaning the computer system.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

12 Ways To Win People

How To Win People

  1. The only way to get the best out of an argument is to avoid it.
  2. Never tell a man he is wrong, even if he is.
  3. Admit your own mistakes.
  4. Being in a friendly way.
  5. Get the other person to say yes immediately.
  6. Let the other man do the talking.
  7. Let the other feel that the idea is his.
  8. Try see things from the other person's view.
  9. Be sympathetic.
  10. Appeal to the nobler motive.
  11. Dramatize your ideas.
  12. Throw down a challenge.

Monday, June 2, 2014

How To Restore Contacts Using Super Backup

How To Restore Contacts Using Super Backup 1.7.7 on Alcatel OT 918N
  1. Copy Super Backup and install it in your second / replacement / new smartphone / android phone.
  2. From your first / previous / old smartphone / android phone, share the backup file using bluetooth.
  3. Locate the file in your second / replacement / new smartphone / android phone by clicking Application tab and then selecting File Manager icon. The shared file is usually in the Received File folder. This is to make sure that the backup is successfully shared to your second / replacement / new smartphone / android phone.
  4. Click Application tab on the Home screen then select Contacts icon.
  5. Click the Menu touch button on your phone.
  6. Click Import/Export.
  7. Click SD card (Copy contacts from).
  8. Click Next button.
  9. Click Phone (Copy contacts to).
  10. Click the filename created when you backup your contacts from your old or previous smartphone / android phone using Super Backup. It has an extension of .vcf and in our case, contact_20140602183445.vcf which was created using Super Backup 1.7.7 in the first / previous / old smartphone / android phone, Samsung Galaxy Pocket S5300.
  11. Click Copy button.
  12. Wait for the copying or restoration to finish and check your Contacts afterwards.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

12 Tips To Be Productive

  1. Waking up early in the morning when there is less distractions.
  2. Planning your day the night before for about 15 minutes.
  3. Having company headphones to avoid disruptions.
  4. Bundling similar tasks together for efficiency.
  5. Finding your golden hour when you are at your best.
  6. Finding a mentor who is willing to give time to you.
  7. Using Cloud notes which is a practical way to make lists nowadays.
  8. Listening to your body's natural rhythm by taking rests if it is needed.
  9. Hitting 'Reply' button to answer emails.
  10. Working from home as an alternative productivity method.
  11. Making a To-Do list as an effective tool for accomplishing tasks.
  12. Not eating breakfast by saving a big meal later for the day.
Based on 12 Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs post of Scott Gerber at blog.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to Print Photos on Canon iP2700 series printer

How to Print 1x1 Photos on Canon iP2700 series printer

This procedure was done using Windows XP locally connected on several printers including Canon iP2700 series.

12 Assumptions:
  • You are using Windows XP.
  • You are using the default image viewer of Windows XP. (Although other image viewer might work,too).
  • A half (1/2) A4 size paper was already loaded on the printer. (Half (1/2) A4 size paper was used so as not to waste paper and only limited number of photos were needed by the client.)
  • Canon iP2700 series was already selected.
  • Printer was on.
  • There are still available color and black ink in the printer.
  • A photo was already selected.
  • The photo was edited for a 1x1 size.
  • You can see the "Welcome to the Photo Printing Wizard window" that appeared when printer icon was clicked.
  • You clicked Next button.
  • You selected the CORRECT picture for printing.
  • You are sure it had a check mark on it. (Or it was really selected or highlighted).
12 Recommendations at the Photo Printing Wizard module:
  1. Click Printing Preferences TAB
  2. Check 2-on-1 printing
  3. Media Type should be Plain Paper
  4. Print Quality should be High
  5. Uncheck Borderless Printing, Grayscale Printing, Fast (Speed Priority)
  6. Printer Paper Size should be A4
  7. Click Main TAB
  8. Check High on Print Quality
  9. Check Auto on Color/Intensity
  10. Choose A4 on Page Size and Printer Paper Size
  11. Choose Page Layout (the icon with number 2 on it) on Page Layout and click OK button at the bottom part.
  12. Click Next and the Layout Selection module of the Photo Printing Wizard will appear and click on Full page fax print centered and rotated to fit and click Next button 
The Printer

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Another PLDT issue on its Home Bro Laptop

Short alternative title:

How to reset Ubuntu password.

Long Title:

How to reset the "User" account password in PLDT's laptop that was included in your Home Bro 1799 which was delivered very, very late and they did not even include a "User" account password (which only their tech knows of) or any instructions.

If you are browsing your Pictures folder, you can see SCREENSHOT photos of when they have first accessed the laptop before it was delivered. Mine was on March 14, 2014. I got the laptop on May 3, 2014. See the late service? 

Anyway, back to reality. The reality of how to solve the issue.

For new users of the PLDT Home Bro 1799 promo who had received their laptop (very, very late) already (similar to my experience), you will encounter an issue regarding the "User" account while using your Ubuntu system. Ubuntu is the Operating System installed in the HP laptop instead of Windows.

In case you need to update your system or whatever software you need to update like Firefox or even install a new software like VLC (in case you don't want to use the default Rhythmbox Music Player), a password is needed. Chances are, you'll encounter something like this:

Authenticate Pop-up Window
Instead of worrying around whether you need to call (AGAIN) PLDT support which will take longer waiting time, below are the procedures that I did so as not to waste another long distance call to them which costs me a lot already.
  • Turn on your laptop.
  • While turning on, press SHIFT key or ESC key.
  • Choose Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (12.04) by highlighting it using "down" key.
  • Edit the regular boot kernel by pressing "e".
  • Scroll down to the line that contains "ro quiet splash". See image below:
ro quiet splash

  • Delete the "ro quiet splash" by using the "backspace" key then type "rw init=/bin/bash" before $vt_handoff. See image below:
rw init=/bin/bash

  • Press f10 key or ctrl-x. See image below:
f10 or ctrl-x

  • You will then see the root prompt. See image below:
root prompt

  • Type "passwd user" and press Enter.
  • Type your new password and re-type again to confirm. See image below:
password updated successfully

  • After your password has been changed, type sync and press Enter key.
  • Then type reboot -f and press Enter key.
sync and reboot -f

Smile. Congratulate yourself.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

12 Ways For A Real Vacation Break

April is Summer Time! and Summer Time is Vacation Time! and Vacation Time is Long Break! This is a time to rest, relax and somehow free our mind from the daily stress we encounter. There are some ways to take a real vacation and you can read it all in this post.

  1. Make rest, relaxation and retreat your priorities. Do not think of vacation as a time to buy souvenirs or shopping for gifts. The point of vacation is to rest, relax and retreat from the hustle-bustle.
  2. Avoid tight vacation schedules, or outings too loaded with so many things to do. Do not pressure yourself from the tight vacation schedules because it will definitely spoil the fun.
  3. Break your routine. Try to be spontaneous by trying out new things which leads to new experiences which can bring a new outlook in your life.
  4. Don't forget your family. Make your family a part of your vacation by giving them full attention they also deserve.
  5. Don't always equate vacation with visiting relatives in the province. Visiting relatives is entirely different from spending your time with your relatives.
  6. Consider everyone's needs and get everyone involved in the planning. What your spouse or partner want may not be what you want. Be considerate of each other.
  7. Pack ahead. There is a saying that "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Plan ahead to be able to depart rested and optimistic.
  8. Say "no" to work. Avoid bringing your work with you while you are on vacation.
  9. Get back to basics. Try to rediscover the simple things in life. Taking a quiet picnic at the park or walking along the seashore or watching the sunset is appreciating the simple things in life. It also makes you closer to nature and appreciate nature's beauty.
  10. Be realistic. Even if you plan everything and all is in place already, there will be a moment when a little diversion from what you plan will happen. Mistakes happen. Additional expenses will be made out of your budget. Be prepared to accept such realities.
  11. Spend some time alone. Spending some time alone is a good time to remind yourself about your goals and what you need to do to attain them.
  12. You can spend vacation at home. Spending vacation does not really mean you need to spend it at the beach or hike in the mountains or any other activities outside your own home. It does not have to be that way. It is also more relaxing to stay at home because you do not need to worry about the exhausting travel, the confusing preparations and other out-of-town worrying which can make you uneasy. You can have all your time at home and do wonderful activities. It can also be a perfect and sweet moment which can be more meaningful for you and your family. Plus, it does not cost you more than what you can spend outside your home.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

12 Common Interview Questions

March in the Philippines is graduation month. For newly graduates, it is the time to start job hunting and for others, it is the start of a long vacation and there will be students who will be looking for summer jobs.

To guide job-seekers, below are the 12 typical interview questions I have already heard (and answered) from employers based on personal experiences and prepare to answer them confidently.

  1. What can you say about yourself that is not in your resume?
  2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  3. Why should we hire you?
  4. Are you amenable to work in a shifting schedule or are you willing to work longer hours or are you willing to extend your time after office hours?
  5. How do you handle stress?
  6. How much is your preferred salary?
  7. What is your most embarrassing moment or your most unforgettable moment?
  8. What are your plans 5 years from now?
  9. What is your motto in life or what do you believe in?
  10. What motivates you to work or what will motivate you to work every day?
  11. Do you think you are qualified with this job or are you qualified with this job?
  12. What can you contribute to the company or what can you offer to the company or what can you do for this company?

Hopefully, with these questions, you will be confidently ready to answer them at your own way with your own words while showing coolness under pressure and be successful with your job application.

Happy job hunting!!!